We listen and we don’t judge- hunters edition

I take a few things with me now when showers are difficult. The Medline shampooing caps work great for your hair. And for the body, I take these unscented makeup remover wipes that my wife uses and they are great too. Plus, their not like clorox wipes that will singe your butt hairs off. I'm not a big fan of going to the local gin joint to shower, that's disgusting to me.
If you've ever wiped your butt or tried to clean it up with a clorox wipe, trust me, that will be the last time you try that.
I was just thinking I'd like to not have butt hairs but there's no way in hell I'm going to let a chinese woman wax it off. So if there were other options.....
Was working on top of a large water tank one day , all day; about 300 ft of ladders to get there, the guy I was helping made me put a 6 pack of Gatorade bottles in my backpack since it was 90s in aug, a few hours later I realize we are going to be there for 10 hrs straight , he says just fill up the empty bottles and toss em off the backside; we will get em tommorow.
Going to the bathroom in all sorts of curious ways and locations on the side of the freeway. And they have been eating truck stop food....

Piss bottles everywhere. Sometimes getting thrown at me or other drivers.

Raping sheep, goats... sometimes dressed as women. I mean, hilarious at the time and quite disturbing. But I can not unsee some things.

Some were very clean and tidy. But the great majority were just nasty.

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You saw truckers raping sheep dressed as women?
I used to do a couple weeks straight of dark to dark sits during the whitetail rut each year. I was so fanatical about being on stand every second, and leaving as little presence as possible, I’d bring an extra gallon size ziplock to poop in. Then I’d pack it out and throw it in a gas station trash can on the way home.

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I’m sure you’ve seen this trend on social media (if you are apart of that world) and thought it would be fun here. I’ll go first

I’ve been known to “shower” in the sink at the public rest stop after hunting for several days. Sponge baths at camp just don’t cut it after a certain point

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I have been known to not shower hunting for several days

Lots of years being stuck on the ocean with no shower option, it started when we all dove wetsuits so I was covered in cold water all day every day… then over time we switched to dry suits but my shower regimen didn’t change unless it was a really long work stretch, then I would find a way.

First year I was up in AK I don’t know that I took an actual shower in 13 months besides a little little week trip home, but was swimming around in the ocean every day in a wetsuit, so it wasn’t that big of a deal to me

It takes a lot for me to start stinking, I don’t notice it until about 6-7 days of hunting in warm weather. When I’m day hunting, I shower twice a day more often than not showering

Good luck not judging me 😉
Went 31 days in the Yukon without a shower. Can’t even remember changing clothes. Probably stunk but so did everyone else. I can still remember the feel of the first shower.

Longest I have gone is 33 days, but it was on a submarine with 120 other guys that also couldn't shower. A few wipe downs with 28 degree seawater didn't help much.
10 people in a house (8kids, two adults), one washtub, Saturday bath, think about being the last one. The tub did get to come just inside the door during the winter months.