We got to take our wins when we can! I’ve got to say, growing up being a lefty that is right eye dominate, has been a challenge!

One of my sons is left handed and one is right handed, left eye dominant. Took me a while to figure out why he seemed to struggle with target acquisition.

I am assuming you shoot long guns right handed?
One of my sons is left handed and one is right handed, left eye dominant. Took me a while to figure out why he seemed to struggle with target acquisition.

I am assuming you shoot long guns right handed?
Yeah, along with a bow too.
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And its interesting that when you go to some field realistic shoots, i.e....vortex extreme.......the shooting positions are all geared towards righties. Wat up wit dat?

That’s sure refreshing to see! My typical reality reminder of being a south-paw is when I walk into a gun shop that is absolutely loaded with racks of rifles and find a very small designated section of left-handed actions with less than ten rifles.

I’ll never forget the very first round I fired from an M-16 when I was in the Marines…it ejected and lodged directly between my cheek and the chin-strap of my helmet giving me a small “howdy south-paw” skin burn!
One big draw back, Damn freaks. :)
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I heard they all are cultists who eat human livers and worship donkeys.
Serious question, how many left handed people here have a best friend that is also left handed? I know about a dozen lefty’s and most have best friends that are lefty’s too. It is something that has stood out to me. Seems lefty’s around this area seem to bond together better than righties. Prob the higher IQ lefty’s have is my guess.
Serious question, how many left handed people here have a best friend that is also left handed? I know about a dozen lefty’s and most have best friends that are lefty’s too. It is something that has stood out to me. Seems lefty’s around this area seem to bond together better than righties. Prob the higher IQ lefty’s have is my guess.
I mean, who else would hang out with them. Not normal people like righties.
Serious question, how many left handed people here have a best friend that is also left handed?
One of my best friends is also LH. Two years ago he had a bowstring break right at the beginning of bow season. He drove down to get his bow fixed, but also needed a bow quickly to get back to hunting. He was dialed in with one of my backup bows set at 32 1/2" draw very quickly. So not only LH, but also long draw. (y)
It’s freaky watching my lefty hunting partner shoot his lefty bow and pick my right hand bow up and shoot it just fine. I challenge any righty to attempt to shoot a bow left handed.
Never thought I would see this, but I read this yesterday morning during my Bible time, which I thought was interesting since I had been on here making fun of lefty’s. This should brighten the day of the wrong handed.

“Among all this people were seven hundred select men who were left-handed; every one could sling a stone at a hair’s breadth and not miss.”
‭‭Judges‬ ‭20:16‬ ‭NKJV‬‬
Never thought I would see this, but I read this yesterday morning during my Bible time, which I thought was interesting since I had been on here making fun of lefty’s. This should brighten the day of the wrong handed.

“Among all this people were seven hundred select men who were left-handed; every one could sling a stone at a hair’s breadth and not miss.”
‭‭Judges‬ ‭20:16‬ ‭NKJV‬‬
Wasn't Ehud the "left handed assassin " who buried a sword deep into the "fat" king ?
Do everything left-handed ,but right eye dominant. Saved me on guns and bow. Oddly enough my brother is right -handed, but left eye dominant. Poor dude pays heavily for the left handed equipment when he can find it. I got six toes on either foot helps climbing into treestand
So we all know this fact that the left side of the brain controls the right side and the right side controls the left. Leaving us with....Only left handed folks are in their right mind....Fact😁