Fowl Play
- Joined
- Oct 1, 2016
I've killed allot of ducks wearing the shirt in my avatar. In my opinion, if you are hunting from a properly set up blind, you do not need camo at all. For me, I put a ton of effort into making my blinds. I ensure I am hunting behind thick heavy cover where a duck cannot catch my outline no matter how hard they look -- I can barely see the ducks when looking through leaves and sticks from a seated position. A camo pattern is less critical in these applications. Just matching the general color tone is more important. Doesn't matter what camo you are wearing if ducks see your outline after doing a couple 360 degree circles around you before committing. Also, ensure you cover your white hands and face. Even from good blinds and good camo, I can pick out another hunter a 1/2 mile away purely from seeing his uncovered face or hands move -- I'm sure ducks can see it much farther than that.