Water purification

I carry a Sawyer Mini, a Steripen and Aqua Tabs. If the Sawyer freezes I use it to filter the floaters then use the Steripen. When the Steripen goes dead I use the tablets.
Steripen and aquamira drops, easy. Steripen for daily creek crossing etc, drops for doing a big bladder of camp water.
Filter then add Aquamira drops. I leave a Katadyn pump filter at base camp and carry a MSR Trailshot in my daypack for midday refills.
I use the Platypus gravity 2 liter most of the time. If it is consistently below freezing I take a
Steripen. I always have purification tablets in my pack in case something fails.


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Welcome. How and where are you planning to use it?

for camp with multiple people I like a platypus grav filter Backed p with tablets.

for solo I will do a steripen. Tablets for back up.
I just use aquamira or aquatabs. I did the sawyer squeeze one year and it was a pain with filtering and keeping it from freezing. My unit has very clean water so I just put some of the drops/tabs in and don't overcomplicate it.
I’ve done a Sawyer mini inline on my camelback bladder for a couple of years, but dealing with intermittent freezing temps for both the bladder and filter was a PITA and a bit sketchy because you just never know if your filter has been compromised.

I switched to a Steripen. I bought the 4 Liter version so I could make potable water for my hunting partner too. He brings his Sawyer mini as backup and just keeps it dry so he doesn’t have to worry about it freezing. It works out well whether I’m doing 4 liters for camp or in a nalgene when we’re out and about.
Steripen hands down. Katadyn be free is nice to have just in case you run into water with lots of debris in it. Perfect solution is to hunt with a partner and one carries a steripen and the other a katadyn.

if you’re the only one in your group with a steripen bring extra batteries. Within a few days everyone will be using it.
Not many lifestraw fans?

I've never tried anything else. Any reason for the preference for other devices? Got me curious.
I run sawyer squeeze then fill from whatever. And a sawyer gravity system for longer trips. Aquamira tabs for backup in first aid kit.

Not many lifestraw fans?

I've never tried anything else. Any reason for the preference for other devices? Got me curious.
They're just not very efficient except for sipping from seeps that you can't fill from.

Gravity/squeeze systems are the same thing, but filter higher quantities faster and can take up less space.