Washington High Buck

Anyone hunting high buck in GMU 249 this year that wouldn't mind me tagging along? Alternatively, anyone want to go but not have anyone to go with or any plan of where to go? I'm a fairly new hunter and I've e-scouted a couple areas and did one hike just to see the terrain, and it looked good to me (I didn't properly glass it to scout it out).
Anyone hunting high buck in GMU 249 this year that wouldn't mind me tagging along? Alternatively, anyone want to go but not have anyone to go with or any plan of where to go? I'm a fairly new hunter and I've e-scouted a couple areas and did one hike just to see the terrain, and it looked good to me (I didn't properly glass it to scout it out).
Just go hunt dude.

You'll learn more solo on a high hunt than any other approach.
Anyone hunting high buck in GMU 249 this year that wouldn't mind me tagging along?
Looks like a good unit. I’ve been hitting the Olympic unit due to proximity and had success last year. Been out scouting a few times this year and haven’t seen a ton of good deer, but remain cautiously optimistic. Good luck with your hunt!
Anyone hunting high buck in GMU 249 this year that wouldn't mind me tagging along? Alternatively, anyone want to go but not have anyone to go with or any plan of where to go? I'm a fairly new hunter and I've e-scouted a couple areas and did one hike just to see the terrain, and it looked good to me (I didn't properly glass it to scout it out).
Like someone said before. Just go for it. You will need to spend a lot of time glassing. Be at your glassing point before first light is probably the best advice I can give.
Like someone said before. Just go for it. You will need to spend a lot of time glassing. Be at your glassing point before first light is probably the best advice I can give.
First light and last light is where the magic happens in the mountains.
The Paysayten wilderness was a zoo last year. Probably the worst I've seen it. I've been going consistently for 10 years and I don't know that I will be going again. Finding a blacktail would be awesome but having to go to the west side to do it I can't imagine the crowds there.
The Paysayten wilderness was a zoo last year. Probably the worst I've seen it. I've been going consistently for 10 years and I don't know that I will be going again. Finding a blacktail would be awesome but having to go to the west side to do it I can't imagine the crowds there.
I would bet the west side would have less competition than the east side.

One day I’m going to do the high hunt for blackies.
This buck was shot pretty far West of the PCT and would be categorized as a BT

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Pardon my ignorance, it’s technically a BT due to location and scoring ,

but that’s a mule deer correct?
Eh...tough to say without genetically testing them.

According to the literature, this specific area has pure samples of both BT and muleys, along with hybrids. The BTs migrate West, the Mule Deer East (mostly), so they really only share summer range.

If I had to guess based on the available population dynamics work for that herd and where he was killed+what he looked like...I'd guess he's a hybrid.
Thanks for clarifying. Congratulations on that deer, he’s a champion.

I hunt areas that have BT/mule/ Benchleg overlap.

Some of the lower elevation BT i think I can see mule deer genetics in. 20-30% bigger than others in their group and bigger spread. Might just be bias or exceptional individual buck's though.

For high country mule deer I look for the grey in the cape as the primary indicator. Overall size and Facial structure is 2nd/3rd.

Have you ( or anyone) seen what look like “pure” BT does at elevation with a mule deer herd?
I believe I saw this behavior this past summer/fall pre rut at high elevation and would be interesting to follow up and confirm this next season.
or talk with a biologist who has collared some does to see how far they are travelling and if they are bringing their fawns with them.
Thanks for clarifying. Congratulations on that deer, he’s a champion.

I hunt areas that have BT/mule/ Benchleg overlap.

Some of the lower elevation BT i think I can see mule deer genetics in. 20-30% bigger than others in their group and bigger spread. Might just be bias or exceptional individual buck's though.

For high country mule deer I look for the grey in the cape as the primary indicator. Overall size and Facial structure is 2nd/3rd.

Have you ( or anyone) seen what look like “pure” BT does at elevation with a mule deer herd?
I believe I saw this behavior this past summer/fall pre rut at high elevation and would be interesting to follow up and confirm this next season.
or talk with a biologist who has collared some does to see how far they are travelling and if they are bringing their fawns with them.
That's a great question.

Between my buddy and I, we've spent well over a month up in that general area in-season over the years, and have seen a total of like a half dozen does, all but 1 appeared to be muleys. There was a small reddish doe in the bottom of the same basin I killed that buck in, but not small like a little squatty yearling, long body and neck, just little. Looked like a BT

We have seen several big narrow dark antlered deer that look like crusher 6 YO coastal BT, and we've seen 30" wide mega muleys that would fit in in Region G or H in WY, that of course always give us the slip.

It's a cool spot, fun to hunt because there is no genetic standard up there, so you really never know what you're going to see walk out of the timber each season.

Have only seen 2 other groups of hunters even remotely close to the area, and both were on their way back out after deciding to turn back before even hunting haha, nasty hike off trail in the typical West side jungle.
Eh...tough to say without genetically testing them.

According to the literature, this specific area has pure samples of both BT and muleys, along with hybrids. The BTs migrate West, the Mule Deer East (mostly), so they really only share summer range.

If I had to guess based on the available population dynamics work for that herd and where he was killed+what he looked like...I'd guess he's a hybrid.
Sort of off topic, but I know of a few Mule Deer that were collared around the Cle Elum area years ago...They would "winter" right behind the dump in Enumclaw. The whole PCT/BT/MD theory got a little fuzzy for me after that learning that!
Sort of off topic, but I know of a few Mule Deer that were collared around the Cle Elum area years ago...They would "winter" right behind the dump in Enumclaw. The whole PCT/BT/MD theory got a little fuzzy for me after that learning that!
Clear as mud for sure.

State record muley was killed in Lewis County and there's a known herd of them in the upper White River drainage in MRNP.

You'd think the dang critters would respect the game bios arbitrary line across the Cascades 🤣