Washington Fish and wildlife commission

Do you have some examples of decisions they’ve made that go against the management recommendations of the biologists? I’m curious to know what exactly we’re dealing with from somebody who’s been involved!
Closing the spring bear special permit season because the anti-hunting Governor appointed commissioners thought hunting bears post hibernation isn't fair chase, disregarding the over population, fawn/calf predation, and human and livestock conflict statistics in the units that had allocated tags.
Closing the spring bear special permit season because the anti-hunting Governor appointed commissioners thought hunting bears post hibernation isn't fair chase, disregarding the over population, fawn/calf predation, and human and livestock conflict statistics in the units that had allocated tags.
Yeah they did a study in the blue mountains and something like 80% of elk calves are dying and of those death something like 90% were cougars. And they basically just said “meh that’s nature deal with it”
Pulling for you guys, and not just because I dislike seeing WA plates where I am hunting. I have a few friends that live over there and its tough sledding but the only thing to do is keep pushing back.
The hearing has been scheduled and is open for public comment, this bill would reform the commission appointment process to have 1 commissioner from each region, with eligibility criteria like they have to have held a valid fishing or hunting license for 3 of the last 5 years, as well as many other improvements.

Please go select PRO and submit comment, even as simple as "I urge SUPPORT of this bill". This is the only way for your position to be presented to the committee! - Link here