Washing Hunting Clothes


Mar 10, 2017
Aurora, IL
How do you guys wash your hunting clothes? Do you uses any special detergents and what do you do with your clothes after you wash them?
Deer season: scent/UV free detergent

Turkey season: regular detergent

They usually lay on the floor of my hunting room.
I wash in unscented detergent without UV brighteners for most items.
For rain gear I use nikwax detergent and then nikwax dwr treatment
Then put them in closet. I'm if the opinion that the expensive no scent blah blah blah hunting detergents are a waste of money. If the wind isn't in your favour I doubt it helps

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Unless they are filthy, all I use is baking soda and white vinegar. Sometimes I'll put a little Mule team borax in. No scent, no brighteners and no snake oil.... Cheap as borscht too!
I wash in unscented detergent without UV brighteners for most items.
For rain gear I use nikwax detergent and then nikwax dwr treatment
Then put them in closet. I'm if the opinion that the expensive no scent blah blah blah hunting detergents are a waste of money. If the wind isn't in your favour I doubt it helps

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X2 for this method of washing and thinking. Play the wind/thermals right and the detergent won't matter.
Wash with just basic scent/perfume free, hang outside to dry, and store in Rubbermaid tub with cedar branches from around my place. Doesn't make me invisible to whitetail noses but I like to think it might help a little.
I only wash base layers in the washing machine. Everything else gets cleaned with a wet cloth if there is too much dirt or dried mud on it.
For bowhunting whitetails, scent free/ uv free detergent and store in container. Critters don't always follow my game plan and I might need a couple extra seconds to put a sharp stick in them and being as scent free as possible might give me that added advantage. I always figure I can smell a stinky person or object quicker than a non stinky person, deer should be the same...shouldn't they??? Packing in for Elk hunting, different story... play the wind because after a day, I stink.
I wash with scent free no brightners and hang dry inside the laundry room. There has been plenty of times elk have looked directly at me without thinking twice.

Wash with just basic scent/perfume free, hang outside to dry, and store in Rubbermaid tub with cedar branches from around my place. Doesn't make me invisible to whitetail noses but I like to think it might help a little.

I tried storing in rubbermaid tubs with branches; my experience wasnt good. There was mold when I opened them. Moisture and mold spores with a warm climate was not good. Now I just store them dry in totes no branches. YMMV, just my experience. Best advice in this thread is play the wind. Nothing matters more. Half the time I encounter elk Im a hot sweaty ball of mess.
