Was gifted a used MR Longbow, keep or sell it?

May 26, 2021
An old Army buddy recently got out. He gave me his old Mystery Ranch Longbow on a NICE frame for helping him move. I already have a Pop Up 28.

I only do day hunt for whitetail in Maryland. Don't plan on any long multi-day trips for a while because I have a lot of small kids.

I do like the pack but honestly do not plan to use it anytime soon. I was thinking MAYBE of using it for those cold days where I'm packing a lot of winter gear, the PU28 is not the best for that but I can manage if I really wanted to.

So should I just keep it or sell it to someone who will get more use for it?
Reviving an old thread.

@HuumanCreed Did you ever see if the longbow would indeed fit on the PU frame?

I'm currently using the longbow and have really come to like the tri-zip setup, but i'm looking at ways to lighten things up. The newer packs look like they shave off 1-2lbs, but they all seem be top access only with the exception of a few. This seems like it might be a good way to go about it if I can find a frame.