So, serious response.
The AR is too powerful to be great for small game from a meat perspective (the squirrels up here are little more than chipmunks) and not powerful enough to drop larger animals reliably without perfect shot placement. Plus, quality ARs are also heavy, the skeletonized ones are range toys.
Bring a 22 rimfire for a rifle and a 454 wheel gun. The set up can come in lighter than a good AR and gives a much larger set of capabilities. Say a Tactical Solutions Backpacker and a Ruger Toklat for 6.7 pounds. Order a Bowen Arms Rough Country sight today (long lead time) as Rugers factory rear sight is utter garbage.
There was a native woman who DLP'd a big bear with a 22 hornet. There was also a guy on Kodiak that killed one with a knife. But, those are spectacular exceptions. The story of Old Groanner gives a better idea of how being under gunned tends to end.
100 miles solo, on foot off trail is no small undertaking, and that is with good health and good equipment and good weather and over good country.
I have not seen anyone say to stay out of AK, but lots of hints to change your plans regarding how you do it. I say get a job, spend a year up here to become a resident, then if the homesteading idea still appeals to you, go for it.
I would go for some place south of the Alaska Range and preferably close to the coast. Better food options and warmer weather in winter.
If you just want to spend time in AK, come up in the summer. Hunt small game, go for a haul road Caribou in August, hunt September deer in PWS or on the Kenia. Perhaps take an alpine black bear. Just remember you have to have a way of salvaging all the meat. Though there is a donation program that would keep you legal and spare the need for cold storage and transport.
Those three will put you at $1,560 in non-resident tags and license. $45 if you live up here for a year and become a resident.
A bow would let you hunt haul road Caribou right off the road, but going in 5 miles to hunt with a gun is no big deal for someone who can cover 100 miles, so skip the addition of a bow, it will add even more complexity to your kit than a handgun.
Skip driving through Canada with any gun. Take the ferry or ship it to yourself. Of course, the ferry may not be an option given the current state of things.
Edit: You can ship via Lynden and pick it up at the port.
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