WA spring bear, fall bear, cougar hunting, ungulate hunting...

I'm looking forward to a 4-5 day coyote/cougar hunt in Southern WA mid march. Can't wait! It's the year of the tiger so I guess this is suposed to be a good year for me. Maybe I'll get lucky?!
Unfortunately change.org petitions do nothing besides bring awareness with usually no following action. When these things come up we need to share the link to the public input section on the website and hammer the hell out of them. The only way they'll see anything is if it's through there, or they're being paid to sit and listen..
Let’s see how the public meeting and decision goes after this Saturday March 18th. Hopefully with all the traffic lately, that it sways the decision to reinstate. Hard to believe we can’t even imagine a draw spring bear hunt, when our neighboring states of Idaho and Oregon have OTC hunts, yet our black bear populations rank just as healthy.
I can't believe what is happening in this state. All my spring bear points/money wasted. Hoping my AR-10 makes it here in time. Time to leave maybe.
Hard to digest having points sitting on the table and nothing you can do about, feel ya there. Don’t get me started on HB 1240, SB5232 & SB5078. SMH 🤦‍♂️
If it weren't for Grandkids, I would cut and run... Instead I'll fight so they can hunt and own firearms..

Please sign this even if you aren't a Wa resident.. guaranteed the out of state antis are putting thier 2cents in.
You'll fight for nothing. Inslee couldn't care less what we want. Voting in this state literally doesn't matter, they always get what they want.