Voter turnout

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It took me less than 10 minutes in rural Kansas, about normal.
Rural KS here. At 6:15 I was the only one in the room this evening. Pretty normal for my area. Rush probably happened around noon. I did dodge a few deer and a skunk on the 34 mile round trip from the house and back.
I had a mail in ballot that I waited too long to mail, so I drove over to the courthouse and put it in the drop box myself today. I heard that over 50% of voters in my county took advantage of early voting or mailed it in, so it was really quiet at the courthouse.
Did the same thing. Took 5 min to run down at lunch and drop it off.
I can see a polling place from my office window, and have been watching a steady stream of people all day. There hasn't been a line out the door or anything, but it has been busy. Seemingly busier than I've seen it in previous elections.
25 minutes in line at the fairgrounds. Harder fighting traffic in and out to park than the line to get in the fairgrounds
I voted around 5 and it was 50 minutes or so. Line was much longer when I was finishing up. I agree going to be record turn out

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Huge turnouts in wi. I voted early as supposed to have knee replacement today. Came down with something 102 fever. Surgery postponed
While I took advantage of mail in voting, I think it should be reserved for those who, for one reason or the other can't get to a polling location, like out of the country on business, active military over sea. (I often wonder, how many mail in ballots get lost???.wink, wink) Also those with medical issue which restricts them to home or medical facility. I think, if we had to go to polling location, we would give more thought to our choices vs. just dropping them in the mail, not to say I didn't give my choices serious thought. Elected officials was a no brainer for me. I had to take more time to study the props. to be certain I was voting for what I considered was the right choice. JMO
Where I live you can take your mail in ballot, fill it out at your leisure, and drop it off in person where you can watch it go into a box at the courthouse. This is definitely more convenient than standing in line. The down ballot local races took more time to research. Who are the best people to run the swimming pool and the sanitation district..??!!
Rural MN, took 5 min at 7:45 this morning, there were other people there but they moved through quickly
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