Vortex Razor HD vs Maven B1 10x42


Oct 1, 2017
I have read countless threads, and I'm just debating between these two binos. I haven't found any direct comparison, so for the guys that have looked through both, I'd like to hear your opinions. I'd factor in that I can snag the Razors for about $150 less than the Mavens. Thanks in advance.
I can't speak to those exact models but I've owned both the Razor HD 10x50, 12x50 and Maven B2 9x45 and I currently am still running the Mavens. To my eyes they are a little bit better but it's not a night and day difference. Both are good.

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Check out the Maven B2 9x45's I got talked into trying them out on here and love them one of the best decisions I ever made they are awesome
I just switched to the Maven B1 10x42's from the Razor 10x42's. A little bit larger size binocular, but the clarity is better along with what I would say is a more true color when I look through the Mavens. I've been very happy that I switched.

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I have owned both and have run them side by side, on tripods, in the field and the Mavens blow the Razor HDs away. The razors are smaller, lighter and the smooth finish slides in and out of the bino harness better.

I sold the Razors.

I got a discount code at an outdoor show they were exhibiting at. Super good guys too.