Volunteers Needed to Hunt Bison on the Grand Canyon's North Rim

I can See it now
Ok shoot that one, now shoot that one ok this one will be the last one for today, Good shooting there Bud, Now lets go Gut skin, quarter and Pack them out.
So you and the other 24 guys hump and pack the 3 bison out and there at the camp area is 5 trucks one from each of the Indian tribes,
They smile at you, you load them up and there goes the 3 you shot today, not even some for dinner
While your eating a cup a soup and sweating your ass off the Indians are eating good on there neighborhood.
You break down and crack open a ice cold beer and get told you are not allowed alcoholic beverages and to dump it or get cited and sent packing.
What a dream hunt come true !!
Count me out.

The way I read it, the entire team of 12 (or 25) volunteers (that week) can only share a MAXIMUM of 1 bison. The documents say that AZ GFD will get all the carcasses, then the “volunteer team” will share UP TO ONE carcass.

Carry unlimited bison all week long and then take home only 4% of the usable meat from 1 carcass? And they used your gun, copper ammo, lodging, food, fuel, and vacation time…

Sounds like your worst hunting buddy invited you on a trophy hunt and asked to use your gun and truck. Then, sent you home with only what you picked off the carcass after he was done.
The press release in combination with the FAQ is very clear in indicating AZGFD can distribute up to one bison per "skilled volunteer", which they may share with the support team. How people are coming to the conclusion that only one buffalo is to be shared amongst all the skilled volunteers and support volunteers is beyond me.

"Only 25 applicants will be selected to form the pool from which 12 qualified individuals will be chosen to become a skilled volunteer...... At the end of the week, volunteers may be given up to one bison in exchange for removal by AZGFD."

"Arizona Game and Fish Department may distribute what they choose to skilled volunteers on the last day of their service. Skilled volunteers may share with Support Volunteers. Carcass distribution will not exceed one bison per volunteer team."
Says you can bring 3-5 people as your support team. Wonder what that entails. I could go straight from my MT Elk hunt down there or vice versa, but would be going solo.
The press release in combination with the FAQ is very clear in indicating AZGFD can distribute up to one bison per "skilled volunteer", which they may share with the support team.
AZGFD "can" distribute "up to" one bison? I don't like "can" or "up to". Can means they don't have to and "up to" means it could mean nothing up to a whole bison. If they replaced the weasle word "can" with "shall" and deleted the weasle words "up to" that would be clear.
"Only 25 applicants will be selected to form the pool from which 12 qualified individuals will be chosen to become a skilled volunteer...... At the end of the week, volunteers may be given up to one bison in exchange for removal by AZGFD."
The 12 volunteers or each volunteer weasle word "may" be given weasleword "up to" 1 bison.
"Arizona Game and Fish Department may distribute what they choose to skilled volunteers on the last day of their service. Skilled volunteers may share with Support Volunteers. Carcass distribution will not exceed one bison per volunteer team."
AZFG weasle words "may" and "choose" The ONLY thing that is certain is the most any volunteer team can get is one bison. I certainly wouldn't expect MUCH bison meat. However, a volunteer team could get a whole bison, but maybe not.

I'd definitely ask for clarification if me and my team were expecting a whole Bison or a big percentage of one.
The naivete of some is equally astounding.
Tell me more Bill.

I read all over on Rokslide about how much of a clusterfuck the Olympic National Park goat removal was going to be and about how clueless the NPS staff were. When I got the chance to participate I learned that the biologists involved were actually quite competent and understanding of the desires of the volunteers.

But maybe I'm the naive one.
Tell me more Bill.

I read all over on Rokslide about how much of a clusterfuck the Olympic National Park goat removal was going to be and about how clueless the NPS staff were. When I got the chance to participate I learned that the biologists involved were actually quite competent and understanding of the desires of the volunteers.

But maybe I'm the naive one.
This is the internet, it would be a mistake assuming actual experience trumps opinion (however poorly formed it may be).

My opinion is that AZGFD needs to use words like "may" and "choose" to decouple the notion that killing a buffalo will necessarily result in receiving meat to reduce/eliminate one basis for a potential legal challenge. But I'm probably just naive.
Tell me more Bill.

I read all over on Rokslide about how much of a clusterfuck the Olympic National Park goat removal was going to be and about how clueless the NPS staff were. When I got the chance to participate I learned that the biologists involved were actually quite competent and understanding of the desires of the volunteers.

But maybe I'm the naive one.
I hope this bison hunt goes off as well as what you experienced. I wouldn't expect it. I plan for the worst and hope for the best!! Cheers
My opinion is that AZGFD needs to use words like "may" and "choose" to decouple the notion that killing a buffalo will necessarily result in receiving meat to reduce/eliminate one basis for a potential legal challenge.
I agree with you. It's possible that killing a bison will not result in receiving any meat. I certainly hope everyone involved gets alot of meat for their trouble...
I hope this bison hunt goes off as well as what you experienced. I wouldn't expect it. I plan for the worst and hope for the best!! Cheers

This is not a hunt. It's volunteer work.

If you compare it to your expectations of what a hunt is supposed to be like, you will be disappointed. If you compare it to other volunteer opportunities, it seems pretty cool to me.

Look there are two side to every coin and a good forum will present both sides
"The amount of pessimism on Rokslide astounds me at times." just one side of the coin
Now as it was put
I’m not sure why some of you are being so negative. If it’s not of interest to you, you simply need not apply. Problem solved.
and I will not, but I am still entitled to an opinion weather you deem it negative or positive and if you don't agree just don't reply Problem solved.
Look there are two side to every coin and a good forum will present both sides
"The amount of pessimism on Rokslide astounds me at times." just one side of the coin
Now as it was put
I’m not sure why some of you are being so negative. If it’s not of interest to you, you simply need not apply. Problem solved.
and I will not, but I am still entitled to an opinion weather you deem it negative or positive and if you don't agree just don't reply Problem solved.
Feel better?