Vivo Tracker Alternatives


Apr 17, 2020
I've been using "barefoot" shoes for almost 15 years now and recently switched to Vivo Tracker ESCs for hunting as I couldn't stand wearing my stiff boots anymore. They are great and I can see using them on early season hunts, but I'm looking for something a little different for later season hunts (warmer, waterproof, etc.). I know the Lems Summit has some decent reviews, but others are saying the grip/quality isn't the best.

Has anyone tried the Bahe Rediscover? Seems like it may have potential as it is waterproof, slightly bigger stack height for warmth, and has a rubber rand.

I know Vivo makes a winter version of the Tracker, but they are sold out of my size and when I contacted them, they said they are unsure of when or if more product would be made until later in the year. Are there other options I should be considering for temps below 25 and snow? Is some kind of overboot for the Trackers a potential solution? Seems like a big hole in the market at the moment.