Viper HD 10x42 Bino

I love my Vortex Razor HD 10x42 light weight and compact, perfect for my hunting and target shooting. if I ever able upgrade, it will be to Swarovski ..
I went from Crossfires to the Cabelas Vipers to Swaro SLC's this last year. It's a big jump from the Crossfires to the Vipers in all regards. From Viper to SLC the lowlight, CA, and edge to edge clarity are your biggest gains. Vipers are solid glass for the money.
I went from Crossfires to the Cabelas Vipers to Swaro SLC's this last year. It's a big jump from the Crossfires to the Vipers in all regards. From Viper to SLC the lowlight, CA, and edge to edge clarity are your biggest gains. Vipers are solid glass for the money.
Yeah I agree! They are worth every penny.
Bought a pair of (newer gen) Viper HD 8x42s at $393 last August and find them to be a good balance of weight, low light performance and FOV for the money.