I remember that, hystericalNot sure where you are at, but that image reminds me of the bubble boy here in CO maybe 7 years ago or so. Short story is this father reported his son had climbed into a large mylar weather type balloon and floated away. National Guard and news helicopters followed this thing through northern Denver and into northern CO. When it finally came down the boy wasn't in it, he was actually hiding in the attic of the house.
Hahahahah thats a good story.A long time ago I hiked Buckskin Gulch in a day, and our family style tent blew away with over 100 lbs of gear in it. Then we fixed it and it had some holes and my son proceeded to barf in it in the middle of the night a couple nights later ... I really wish I had a floorless tent that night.
That being said, I spent the last few days doing wind tests of the Silex and Eolus vs a Tunnel Style tent that was much heavier. I tested both Sil and Dyneema and honestly, they held their own and were actually the quieter tent to be in. Granted winds likely did not exceed the 40's.