@KurtR I’m a lab guy through and through but I’ve only seen one chessie hunt and it was a stud plus a hell of a watch dog so I can’t speak to their abilities past that.
I do know a lot of some of the best killers in a part of the country loaded with them and they all run labs. As stated by Chuck there is general belief around here that Chessies have bad temperaments and less a knock on their prowess.
Anyway, the real reason for my post: I would propose someone creates a dog game like Chuck has suggested. That would be way more interesting to me than an obedience contest with a hunting theme. I’d probably travel to see it.
Don’t get me wrong, you trial guys do unbelievable work and I am always impressed when I see a dog trained and ran by a true pro, but the sport… not for me. I want to see a dog chase a 150 yard crippled mark coming back to getting sent past a dead bird on a blind in which I’m only kinda sure where the bird is. Get the dog in the area and let it hunt on its own for 10 minutes and come back proud. That shit is special.