

Feb 13, 2020
BC Canada
Lay down, they numb your sack, tiny little slice, pull out travel tube and cauterize it, glue up slice and send you on your way. 30 minutes, no initial pain, I actually fell asleep during the procedure. Awkward part is the 19 year old smoking hot nurse that grabs your wiener and holds it to the side while prepping your balls. There is pain for a few days after but not horrible and you can still function. Second awkward part is taking a cup of your man juice in 6 weeks after for them to inspect and make sure there are no more swimmers. No bloody nut job for me. And all the awkward and pain is forgot about when you nut without worry of making another money sucking machine with the wife. Aka, suck it up, it ain’t that bad and is so worth it if you’re done having kids.
Had mine done 3 years ago and agree with what @92xj says. Defiantly a little awkward having another man handle the twig and berries.
Fact of the matter is: condoms suck! and pull-outties is a dangerous game. My buddy at 42 just found out he’s got anther one on the way. He already has 4 kids and his youngest is 9!
He really wishes he just got the snip.


Mar 4, 2012
Delta Junction, AK
Just like the colonoscopy... request the hard drugs and you'll barely remember it. They gave me enough valium beforehand that I didn't even know I was on the planet.

Recovery kinda sucks...frozen peas, Advil, and couch time for a couple days and you're back at it.

If you're young, they may want your wife to sign off... after 40 it rarely happens. At 43, they didn't even ask mine.


Jan 25, 2014
I was resistant, heard all the same stories you’ve heard and some that are posted here.

Got a no scalpel vasectomy a couple months ago and it was really not something that would register on any sort of scale.

The local anesthetic was less than being mildly snapped with a rubber band. After that it was just my parts being moved around. No cauterizing, no smells, no crazy hot nurse. Shaved myself before the appointment. It was just the doc and myself in the room.

Took it easy that day and the next and didn’t do anything not advised on the recovery sheet. Friday was the procedure, was back to work on Monday. Had slight discomfort towards the end of that day, but that was the extent of anything. Think of similar discomfort like your nut got a little twisted up in your shorts.

After years of the fancy method, I will tell you that I was stupid for waiting so long. Still scared to death that I’ll end up like a neutered dog and start to let myself slide, but haven’t seen any side affects like that yet. Though, I’ve been doing double time in the work out side of life just to be safe.

If you want I can send you the website. You’ve got to be comfortable with it, I know the struggle you’re in. Good luck.

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Sep 22, 2014
It’s not bad. Follow the recovery recommendations. The first shot is all that hurts.

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Buddy got snipped. Was told to take it easy so planned to sleep in the next day which was Saturday. Another buddy shamed him into not skipping their weekly jog. About 1 mile into the jog he felt something rubbing his thigh. He was hemorrhaging inside the scrotum and had over a pint in there and more headed to the party. He walked bowlegged back to his car and at the ER they said no problem as the scrotum can hold a gallon of fluid before would burst. Good to know. Don't skip reading the post-surgery notes.


Apr 10, 2016
How bad are the shots?
They used some air injection thing to numb it and it was uncomfortable like it you pinched your sack but not bad, sounded like opening a pop can which was weird. I asked why they don’t use it more and they said the children’s hospital does it too since it’s not a needle.
Jul 20, 2019
2 pro tips:

1. Go to a specialist who does it for a living, not the family Dr.

2. Do absolutely nothing but ice your balls for a full 7 days. You are going to feel good enough to attempt normal activities after 3 - don’t. A full 7 days of nothing will ensure no complications.


Dec 6, 2015
Somebody on a different thread mentioned somebody should start one of these threads.

I’ll go first. My wife (35) just had her IUD removed. I need to get snipped so I can commence to shoot up the club as my pull out game is weak and with no goalie in place, I don’t need to have another kid at my age. I am 40 (almost 41) and too old for that.

I was told that they don’t put you under for the procedure. Is this true? How bad is it? What’s the recovery like? I was also told that the first “eruption” may be bloody. Don’t know if my buddy is messing with me, so thought I should ask the masses.
Had one
The first eruption was glorious no blood,
Procedure wasn’t bad I didn’t take the pain meds or sedatives and it didn’t hurt much the 1st numbing injection is the worst of it 3 days to recover, I did it during March madness so I just sat around and watched basketball
Dec 10, 2017
Pullman, WA
A VERY strong piece of advice, wear a nice tight fitting jock strap afterwards. I hadn’t worn one in years, but seriously will make all the difference. Ice is great, but support is even better to help with healing and less pain.
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Apr 21, 2015
Wasn’t an issue. You drive home right after they finish. The smell sticks with you a while. Take the advice and wait 6 or 7 days before trying to get off.
Also take the advice to go back and get function tested. Know a guy that didn’t and now has an unexpected kid.
I think getting a tooth drilled and filled is much worse.


Mar 16, 2016
A VERY strong piece of advice, wear a nice tight fighting jock strap afterwards. I hadn’t worn one in years, but seriously will make all the difference. Ice is great, but support is even better to help with healing and less pain.
Of the two people I know that have had them, this is their advice as well.


Dec 23, 2015
Mine was not bad, Dr. had done quite a few of them, numbing wasn't terrible for me didnt have much pain, for a couple weeks afterwards its uncomfortable. Never had any issues with shooting off


Mar 24, 2016
Procedure wasn’t bad. Those two numbing shots were like getting flicked on the balls. Dude took a while to get to one side because it was deep. Had to cut an access hole and dig around. We knew one side might be tougher on first inspection.

Recovery was about like everyone. Although I had some pain for a year. Most people don’t have that. Yes, jockstrap is a big plus.

A word of advice the nurse at the place didn’t explain well. When they say to do your business frequently, they mean every day or maybe twice a day. You are trying to get as empty as possible, not save anything up for a big show.

I had to take three samples in before I was cleared. Sperm was there, just dead. They didn’t want a single one before they have you the OK. That was 10 years ago. Then I was talking to they neighbor at my new house and their youngest kid was due to a reversal. Yup, I called to the doc and told
him I’m bringing a sample.
Jan 17, 2018
I had mine done last year at 40. Doc gave the option in office or at nearby hospital —I chose hospital. Anesthesiologist put me completely under. Recovery time was about a week.

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