Utah senator Mike Lee - attacking Public Lands

Its a lot easier when you are worth a couple million and can purchase a couple thousand acres for yourself.

No doubt.

I’ve racked my brain for years trying to figure out how the heck I would be able to afford a home, bills, and still put aside enough to buy hunting property here in Tx. Since joining Rokslide, it has dawned on me that I don’t have to buy land in Tx to hunt, and I can also hunt much more scenic country all while spending less than typical lease fees here. That realization came around the same time that 621 was proposed. You can say that the timing was perfect, because I realize now just how ridiculous it is for the feds to transfer these lands and expect the people to just let it happen.
I sent my Senator my concerns over selling off public land to the states along with the form letter from BHA. This is his reply.
I try to send something weekly to a couple senators in state and out of state.

On Thu, Jul 12, 2018 at 2:26 PM Senator Todd Young <[email protected]> wrote:
Dear Mr. Merta,

Thank you for contacting me regarding our nation’s federal lands. I appreciate hearing from you on this important issue.

The Bureau of Land Management (BLM) was established in 1946 to consolidate the General Land Office and the U.S. Grazing Service. The BLM, an agency within the Department of Interior (DOI), is responsible for managing lands and resources across the United States. The BLM manages roughly 245 million acres of America’s federal lands.

On January 24, 2017, Representative Jason Chaffetz (R-UT) introduced H.R. 621, the Disposal of Excess Federal Lands Act. This legislation would instruct the Secretary of the Interior to make available for purchase federal lands in Arizona, Colorado, Idaho, Montana, Nebraska, Nevada, New Mexico, Oregon, Utah, and Wyoming. The DOI previously identified the specified federal lands in a 1997 report to Congress, which determined these lands suitable for disposal. On February 1, 2017, Rep. Chaffetz informally withdrew his bill from further consideration. H.R. 621 does not have a companion bill in the Senate.

National Parks and wilderness areas are an important part of our federal lands system. It is important that we are responsible in our conservation efforts and ensure the protection of our landmarks and parks for future generations. Please be assured I will keep your thoughts in mind should any relevant legislation come before the Senate for consideration.

Again, thank you for contacting me. It is an honor to represent you in the United States Senate.
Todd Young
United States Senator
Any of y'all still following this? Mike Lee has a strong challenger in the primary this year. I met with Becky Edwards and she's very pro public lands. She's definitely listening to rural voters and hunting and fishing enthusiasts.
I haven't looked into her much but at a glance she appears to be an upgrade.
Utah would be hard put to do worse than Mike Lee, unless you happen to be looking at buying a chunk of public land for yourself
Any of y'all still following this? Mike Lee has a strong challenger in the primary this year. I met with Becky Edwards and she's very pro public lands. She's definitely listening to rural voters and hunting and fishing enthusiasts.
Yeah…good luck with that. I’d love nothing more than to see Lee get the boot, but being the Mormon constitutionalist he claims to be, he’s a fan favorite here locally.

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As long as there is a near even split in both houses of congress, the transfer of public lands won't happen. The votes just aren't there for something of this magnitude.

Y'all need to clear this Mike Lee issue up soon though...