The no scope/muzzle loader is the right decision. Though it will flood the other pools of archery/rifle tags. It has potential to increase wounded animals as well. Most folks don't practice much for muzzle loader as it was, now it has potential to increase unrecovered animal percentages.
The other proposals like 4 pt or better have been tried in Utah already. There's tons of data from Western States that this is not the most effective way to increase herd populations. The data does reveal it increases inferior genetics as well as incorrect animals shot, as well as a decrease in herd numbers eventually.
This promotes killing immature 4 pointers, leaving the forkies/3 pointers left to breed.
The recurve only law on the Dutton sounds fishy to me. The late start of the season does as well. Both these proposals should effectively drop the number of successful hunts. This doesn't mean more animals make it thru, but it certainly means an increase to wounded animals, as well as incorrect animals killed.
Knowing Utah and the States greed for $$ it sure looks like they have figured out how to still sell enough tags, with our current diminished herd numbers, and still bring in those needed dollars, while decreasing the % of successful hunts.
The problem I have with most of the proposals are there's already sufficient data showing some of these ideas don't accomplish what they say they are after, and the State knows this, yet, will repeat this failed process. . What they do accomplish is keeping the money flowing. The only way to help the herds, is less tags. But even then, we have a huge poaching problem here since the Gov broke up a City full of traditional cultural lifestyles, and many of those residents fled to our small towns. They live off the land and Gov programs, with little regard to the laws.
Is the herd reduction really caused by winter kill, summer drought ? No doubt in Utah it has some effect.
But is mismanagement by the State, poaching, excessive predators in the state, too many cow tags depleting an elk herd's chance to replenish, and a 9 day muzzle loader season (way too long with modern technology) really the underlying problem?