Upgrading binos: Torn between another 10x42 or stepping up to 12x50


Feb 13, 2018
I've seen similar discussions/debates in other forums, but I think I have a little different angle to this. I have a decent pair of Leupold BX-2 10x42. They've been great for hunting in timber and some medium range work with elk the past few years. However, I am planning on a mule deer tag next year, and have points built up in other states to start using over the next few years, and am considering stepping up in optics.

I'm leaning towards a good ($800-1000) set of 12x50s that would be a nice improvement from my current setup. The only hesitation I have is I wonder if 12x50s would be too much glass for an all-around, do-all set like the 10x42s. Of course, I could just run my current pair when I'm heading into the timber and swap them out for the 12s when I have some more serious glassing to do. However, just one nicer pair of 10x42s sounds appealing as well.

One caveat to this, before someone asks, is I do not have a spotter nor do I plan to buy one. However, if I get a tag for a place that I'll really need one, I'll probably rent something high end. Buying one is just not worth the cost to me for something I'll use for 7 days every 3-4 years.


Dec 4, 2023
I would buy some Swarovski 10x42 or Pures 12x42 myself. Quality glass in a 10x is better than mediocre glass in 12x. Pretty good deals on Swarovski 10x42 EL out there right now and some great deals on the Pures too


Rokslide Sponsor
May 21, 2013
Old Bethpage, NY
10x if you plan on hand holding, 12x only if you'll be tripod mounting. It's our pleasure, as a long standing supporting vendor here, to discuss the different available options and special opportunities with you. Please give a call, 516-217-1000, when you have the time. Thanks


Jun 29, 2020
Southern AZ
The only hesitation I have is I wonder if 12x50s would be too much glass for an all-around
Yes they would be..... An all around glass is not 12x, more like 10x for a do it all everywhere glass.

I'll add an $800-1000 pair of 12's doesn't sound like a very good idea either.


Oct 17, 2022
Lewiston, Idaho
Go with a 10. The higher magnification of the 12 may be nice on a tripod but hand holding 12s can be challenging. Jumping up from the bx2 to a $1000 class 10 will make a huge difference.


Jul 2, 2020
Going to jump in here. Tons of glassing experience here with binos and scopes. Based on what your are describing as your personal hunting experiences, and since you recognize a spotting scope is not worth the money no more often than you would use it. There is one and only one answer to your question. Go with the best pair of 10x42s you can afford. One great pair will literally last you a life time. The Swarovski 10x42s Pure is the gold standard. I have the same binos in 12x42. I have them in 10x52. I have the Zeiss Victory and Conquest binos in similar configurations. The pair that goes on 99 percent of my hunts is the 10x42 Pures.

As stated 12 power really needs a tripod to get the bang out of the buck. Even with the tripod I prefer the 10 power over the 12. Look at them side by side and the field of view and overall performance of the 12 power just makes it fall short.

The 10x52 is only better when “dusk” goes on for hours. What do I mean. On my brown bear hunt this past May, the 10x52s were better because dusk started around 8 PM and went to darn near 11:30 PM. You could glass more acres with binos then scopes. We only used scopes to judge the size of bears.

Now, do you have to spend the money on the Pure model. Nope. As stated there are great deals on the ELs. And, unless you have them side by side you will not know the Pure is better. You will be very very happy with an EL and the lifetime warranty. Here is the best part of Swarovski in addition to quality. It is service. When I hunt things get dirty and dusty. You can sent them back to the factory in the off season for cleaning and adjustment. In 30 years of using them, I have only been charged for a part once. On the other side, I once sent a pair of ELs back for cleaning and adjusting. The put two pages of new parts on them for free. They essentially rebuilt the binos and I didn’t think there was anything wrong with them when I sent them in.

All I got. Good luck.