Upgrade Rifle or Optics first?


Oct 22, 2013
The Leupold Freedom 3-9 scope is a good match for your Model 7 rifle.
Buy a Vanguard Endeavor HD 82A spotting scope & tripod for it; then spend the rest of your money on tags & fuel for your hunting trips.


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Dec 4, 2018
I wouldn’t touch the gun. It ain’t broke!

It depends a little bit on the terrain you hunt. With very open stuff or needing to glass beyond a mile, Personally I would get a nice spotting scope. It will open up options for your hunting style that you cannot do without a spotter. If you find yourself hunting more close quarters, mostly glassing within 1000 yards, a better pair of 10x42 will let you glass longer without eye strain and might help you find more animals. And your 15s will be fine to field judge within 1500 yards or so. Unless you are super picky or there are antler point restrictions where you hunt.
Oct 19, 2019
For the hunting I like to do, I figured it was important to get good optics. The first sheep hunt I ever went on, I thought 15x binos and a tripod would suffice....it sucked. Now I like to keep my 8x42s on my chest and have a good spotter in case I want to take a closer look. I think for the hunting I do here in AK, a scope is probably the least important piece of optics in my kit but I still like to have quality scopes on my rifles.

Agree with Thinhorn here. If your 7mm-08 is consistently getting MOA groups is already more than adequate for any game in the lower 48. The piece of hunting gear I use more than any other are my binoculars. Have to first spot/find the game. If restricted to just upgrading one piece it would be binos - learned long ago to buy the best optics one can afford, but handle them first to get a feel for the ergonomics . My Zeiss Victory SF 10x42s are fantastic and due to their balance carry much lighter than they weigh, if the Zeiss is too much would highly recommend the Nikon Monarch HG (the ones made in Japan). They both have exceptional optics but also carry very well in the field. Many other high-end but heavy or unbalanced binos spend more time in the truck.
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Aug 23, 2014
oregon coast
I'm leaning toward adding a spotter to the mix. Or are you referring to upgrading the C3s?
in that case, rifle for sure. you aren't really hindered in glassing with your 15X slc's… off a tripod, that's a pretty good setup already.

of course this is just my opinion, but you are pretty set in glass (no personal experience with the mavens, but they are highly spoken of in their price range)

I am probably bias on this, I live and hunt the coast, and a spotter would be left behind most day, and I wouldn't waste my time on any that are under 2k, much rather get some 15X SLC's... you already have them, even though they are old, still excellent glass.


Aug 27, 2013
Haven't seen this mentioned, but if you don't have already: Get a tripod (Slik / Outdoorsman's), Outdoorsman's pan head, binocular studs, bino mount. That gives you some damn good glassing ability with your current setup, and you'll need these anyways if you ever pick up a spotter.

I have a nice Swaro spotter, and there are areas I hunt for Elk it stays in the truck and I just use 10x42's on a tripod.

Rifle and Rifle Scope depends on range you want to shoot. Spotter depends on what game you want to hunt and what terrain.


Jun 2, 2013
SWFA 6xSS in some seekins mounts. Then upgrade bino or spotter as needed.


Feb 15, 2020
An optics upgrade sounds like it would be best for you as a first step. Here, let me spend your money for you!
Leupold VX6HD 3-18x44, FireDot reticle: $1200-1500, depending on where you buy it. (If eBay, get serial # from seller first and call it into Leupold to make sure it is not a counterfeit scope). Then, order a custom turret for your preferred ammunition (or multiple turrets for multiple rounds at $80 per turret, from Leupold), and you will have a fantastic all around scope.

Also, many may differ, but I submit that the majority of folks won't shoot a field weight rifle in .300 WinMag as well as a 7mm-08, due to the dramatic increase in recoil in the Mag. If so, then a simple upgrade to a .300 WinMag could actually set a shooter back, accuracy wise.
Aug 23, 2014
oregon coast
Been hunting with a Model 7 7mm08 and it has been great, but I have the bug to go to a Traverse in 300 win. On the other side of it, I have a pair of Maven C3 10x42s and a pair of older SLC 15x56s. No spotter.
Most on my hunting has been local in the Cascades in the past. Looking into exploring out into some of the neighboring states for critters.
Just looking into some advice on "what would you do?" There is so much more to a good experience hunting and I get that. Just want to stick to rifles and optics on this one.
my friend has a traverse in 6.5prc, it is a nice rifle, shoots crazy good and just feels good in hand, and very comfortable getting behind that rifle. I think all of the opinions are pretty good, but maybe you can share more details on what types of hunting you are looking to branch out into in the next few years.

like I mentioned, I look at a spotter as a complete luxury item, and know if you do buy a spotter, it better be a good one. there are some hunts I could see a spotter being more of a practical item then in my case, but you do already have some good 15X's, it would take a very specific type of hunting to "need" a spotter if you already have good 15X's

what scope are you running, and how far are you realistically willing to shoot at game?

optics in the form of binos is probably my #1 hunting item, I took the same path many did and kept upgrading binos for years until I ended up with 2 pairs of swaros…. I wasted a crap ton of money in that process, and would have been way better off just buying good glass early on.

the part i'm struggling with is what do you actually need, what would benefit you? I don't know much about your Mavens, but I do know you wouldn't be bummed replacing them with some 10X EL's, but how much of a benefit would that be? you could also get a spotter, but how much would that give you realistically over your 15X SLC's?

new guns are always fun, and that traverse in 300wm would be a very pleasant rifle to shoot..... the 7-08 is a great cartridge, but it does have limitations when comparing it to a 300wm.

if you are a one rifle guy, the 300wm makes a lot of sense, I think it's one of the most versatile cartridges there is (I got a 7 rem mag for my version of that, but the 300rm is a little better all around cartridge... If I hunted elk with a rifle, I probably would have went with the 300)

I archery hunt more than rifle hunt, but even so, i'm getting another rifle this year.

I have a pair of SLC's in 8x30, and 10x42, and that combo does everything I need... in the future I would like some 15X SLC's, my buddy has a pair and I love them... I also want the 8.5x42 EL's, I think those are the best glass on the market for glassing off hand.

we all have our own ideal setups, and it may help us give more meaningful opinions to you, rather than just picking what we would do in your shoes, but that applies to us rather than what you need
Jan 16, 2014
Not saying your rifle is, but Id take a clunker minute-of-deer rifle and fine optics (with tripod) every day and twice on sunday over the opposite.
Feb 24, 2016
If you dont shoot past 400 yards, I would upgrade your optics. Like others said, you cant shoot what you cant spot.


Oct 15, 2019
400 yards is max I am willing to shoot game at. As far as hunting style, I would like to possibly earn a elk one day. Enjoyed the antelope hunt we went on and would like to do that again. And possibly try my hand at a whitetail.
Tough choice, but now I'm leaning toward upgrading to a pair of 8.5 Swarovski binoculars and waiting on the rifle.
Living in the cascades we have a fair amount of mule deer and elk around. Numbers aren't nearly what other states are. Regardless, I enjoy glassing on my free time. The 15x56 are great for glassing on a hunt, but I feel fall short at glassing across the valleys. Keeping tabs on the herds around here is a fun game in the off season. I personally learned more about the elk and mule deer by just checking them out on the weekends.

Thanks for the feedback everyone
May 24, 2016
If 400 is top end distance and money means anything to you

meostar Hd’s 10x4

swfa 6x for the scope.

800$ all up. You will likely never need more.

you can spend more and get less, but you won’t spend less and get more.

No help on the spotter. Haven’t found anything worthy of packing up a mountain in the sub 1000$ range.


Oct 21, 2019
I’m going to be THAT guy on forums that people hate when these “this or that” posts come up.

Neither. You’ve got a gun that’s fairly capable and two great bino options. Invest in a custom stock for your rifle. It’ll fit you better, improve the gun, drop a few Oz if you go carbon, and it’ll scratch that itch that you’re concocting in your head from a few weeks of quarantine.

In fact, I’d throw in a custom trigger just to be safe and you’d still be money ahead. A McMillan game scout would even probably be done in time for some quality range time before season pops up.

Better yet, when you get the itch next year you can debate custom barrel caliber, manufacturer, carbon or standard stainless... you get the idea.


Jul 17, 2012
Hilliard Florida
The 300 win mag would not be an upgrade imo. The rifle you have is great for anything other than has been said dangerous game. Few people can really shoot a 300 win mag well. Recoil and muzzle blast will degrade your ability to shoot well. Load up some 160-168 grain bullets hot and go kill your elk or moose. Load some 140-150 grain bullets and go kill your deer. Keep your nice light easy shooting rifle and upgrade everything else.