Upcoming 4th season hunt, what am I missing?

Camofire has been pushing a couple of budget puffies (Kings Camo & Blackovis) on their site for around $115. I would definitely recommend those since they are super light, pack down to almost nothing, and are easy to zip on and off since the zippers go all the way up.
I’m from Madison- only reason I asked is cause I had a Jwatts I used to know way back in the day. Was wondering if the world was still as small as I remember it being!
Very well could be. I'm from Brookhaven, but got up that way a good bit.
jwatts, how did your hunt go?

It went great. We were able to scout 2.5 days prior to season. We figured out where the deer were, and where the deer weren't. We determined what to look for on opening day to find mature bucks. Finally, early afternoon on the first day I was able to put down an old buck. He aged between 6 and 8 years old and looked like a tank. I'll get a picture up shortly.
Where did you send the tooth to that got you age results so quickly?
I didn't. Based on tooth wear that's what it came out to. I called it 6 plus (based on what a whitetail here would look like). The taxidermist said based off tooth wear he'd say 6 plus, up to 8.