Unpopular opinions

@Thehillbillee - Can you expound? I honestly don't know what this means.
Both are colors that indicate the person so dressed is confused about their identity. Solids are for hikers and non-hunting nature lovers of the sort who stay on trails and would never “hurt” an animal. Camo is the uniform of hunters. Wear it in the woods, wear it to Walmart, be proud of who you are.
Both are colors that indicate the person so dressed is confused about their identity. Solids are for hikers and non-hunting nature lovers of the sort who stay on trails and would never “hurt” an animal. Camo is the uniform of hunters. Wear it in the woods, wear it to Walmart, be proud of who you are.

One year myself and a couple work buddies were hunting caribou north of the Brooks Range. A trooper helicopter landed near us to talk. He was checking in on us because "we didn't look like hunters in our bright solid color rain jackets". Coming straight from work I think we were in black, sky blue, and mango colored jackets. We had a good laugh with the trooper. Then we heard rifle shots west of us, clearly inside the 5 mile corridor so he took off quick. The caribou we hauled out the next day didn't seem to care about the jackets.
I can think of two, both very unpopular!
  1. You will never realize the difference between $X and $X times 2 optics
  2. The level of precision in your reloads is probably too high.
Scandalous! 😳