RCBS chargemaster supreme or Hornady auto charge pro


Dec 14, 2020
good morning, im going to purchase a new powder dispenser and ive got it narrowed down to these two. my main concerns are speed and accuracy with consistency probably being the most important with speed a close second. other things are ease of use, longevity, powder dump features and all other features coming in to play somewhat. the rcbs has a learn function that is supposed to make it faster however the hornady has 3 speeds, but from what i have seen the faster speeds give up some accuracy. RCBS had blue tooth capability but im not sure i NEED that however it could be nice if the touch screen goes down. one other thing i saw on a review is the hornady doesnt automatically go back to the weight reading and only displays the charge number once the weight is reached. i know you can hit the enter button to display the charge weight but that does seem annoying. not sure its enough to spend the extra 80 bucks though. im curious if anyone has first hand experience with both, or even just one of the 2. which would you prefer and what are the speeds vs accuracy like. please let me know your thoughts or if you have any other suggestions other than the AT V4 as i cant justify that at this point
I mean time is worth something to me. From what I can gather the Hornady is compatively 25ish seconds per charge on medium and the RCBS is around 18ish. I guess speed isn’t as important as long as I can seat a bullet and not wait for the next charge to be complete.
I would look for comparison videos on Youtube, I believe Backfire had one a few years back. Best way to get comparison info and then make your decision. I have the Hornady and seems to work well for me, but I'm not shooting for speed and I'm not sure I would ever see differences in accuracy on paper due to accuracy of powder charge (within reason).
I would look for comparison videos on Youtube, I believe Backfire had one a few years back. Best way to get comparison info and then make your decision. I have the Hornady and seems to work well for me, but I'm not shooting for speed and I'm not sure I would ever see differences in accuracy on paper due to accuracy of powder charge (within reason).
I think I’ve watch every you tube comparison I can. I’m curious, is the Hornady fast enough to have a charge thrown by the time you seat a bullet? Not waiting on the machine to finish throwing a charge?
I was in the same boat last year. I ended up getting the Hornady, due to the limited space I have on my bench. It has worked well for me. I was keeping track of every time it threw an over charge, but it happens so infrequently that I stopped.
I think I’ve watch every you tube comparison I can. I’m curious, is the Hornady fast enough to have a charge thrown by the time you seat a bullet? Not waiting on the machine to finish throwing a charge?
It probably takes 2 to 3 seconds to seat a bullet so you are going to be doing a lot of waiting anyhow
I think I’ve watch every you tube comparison I can. I’m curious, is the Hornady fast enough to have a charge thrown by the time you seat a bullet? Not waiting on the machine to finish throwing a charge?
I honestly don’t know, I’m usually not in a hurry and try to wipe down the case as I stash away (one shot lube). Your 7 second discrepancy would be 5 minute difference per 50 rounds. If you’re loading higher volume (100+) may just save money for the v4.
MidwayUSA has the Hornady at 80%. 20% off, so it's about $309... that might be the price to go on. Good Luck
I honestly don’t know, I’m usually not in a hurry and try to wipe down the case as I stash away (one shot lube). Your 7 second discrepancy would be 5 minute difference per 50 rounds. If you’re loading higher volume (100+) may just save money for the v4.
Thanks for the input and your right, a few seconds doesn’t add much in the grand scheme of things.
Well I picked up the CM supreme. It’s def quick after youbuse the learn function. It’s accurate to about 5 kernels extreme spread using h1000. I am having a hard time with it over throwing .1. It just seems a bunch of powder can spill out right at the end. Not sure if that’s to be expected using this powder or not. It’s def faster than I need it to be so I may try the Hornady and see if that is better with over throws. Any other suggestions?
I am also thinking about getting either one of these units (have always simply used my powder dropper on my Hornady Progressive press). However, as I gear up for longer range shooting on hunts out west I need as much accuracy as possible. I'll take a look at the various videos on youtube.
if you add the soda straw to the CM dispenser you can stop nearly all of the overcharges. with small kernels i never get overcharges.
Yes, I implemented the straw trick and it nearly eliminates over throws. Smellest grain powder I’ve tried was Benchmarck and it was nearly perfect every throw. I notice with larger powders like h4350 and h1000 if it’s off it’s usually under a thrown my a kernel or two. No big deal. Extreme spreads over a 50 round batch are about 5 kernels and the sd is much better. Generally within 2 just how they fall out of the dispenser. Would love to have it within 1 every time but for the money it’s tough to beat. There was no flies on the Hornady either when I tried both side by side. Woulda been happy with either.