Well, that beats my average annual donation... Though I've never actually used the access yes program properties. I usually think of it in terms of averages. Im not sure what the most recent numbers are but the last year I checked it was around 40k nonresident hunters (I think- so don't quote me). So if each of those hunters pitched say 25, there's a quick MIL for access yes. A $50 average for 2 MIL and so on. 50 is a small part of the travel budget for an out of state trip for me, and I'm not wealthy. I have no idea what the actual average contribution is though, and not sure where to find out (if that info is even available).$200-$250 per year...over the last 21 years. I'm guessing around $4500-$5000 total, makes up for a bunch of cheapskates that use the program and contribute nothing.