Understanding Idaho Tag for nonresident

Keep us posted! I shot a medium/small buck there this year. It was awesome! I also had an elk tag where I got eyes on a public land bull. But just my eyes.
Will do , Iam hunting with friends , I may go down to Utah , shot a Bull down there in 2019 . Thanks for your reply Buddy .
In the purchase I bought my Archery Hunting license and the vendor gave me the B Tag for the nominated zone instead of the A Tag , it was their mistake not mine , IDFG when contacted didn't want to no about , They make an amazing amount of money in a day from non resident sales , but dont want to address their mistakes , its cost me $1500 AUD for their mistake .

There is no such thing as an “archery license”. It is called an archery permit. It is an endorsement to hunt with a bow. That is all. As I explained in my previous post, the purchase of an archery permit does not automatically signal the need for an A elk tag instead of a B.

I’m assuming you ordered over the phone, in which case, it’s your word against theirs that you said “A” instead of “B”. If you did order online, then you clicked on the button for the wrong tag.

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ozziehunter, I am pretty sure you can't exchange your tag but you can return it for a refund.

To the OP, the online system is a joke. I have never been able to get a license that way since it started. Fortunitly, i have a family member that lives an hour from a vendor and is a better way to go. The lines at vendors and retailers add the crash every year. They do around and put your names on a roster and yes, people sleep in sleeping bags, tents, etc... in a chance for a tag. Its like black Friday shopping for a tag. The unit we are familiar with sold out in 14 minutes but was able to land a tag in unfamiliar territory but that's ok. We will find them ;-)
It is also your mistake for not verifying with the vendor.

The other thing you seem to be un willing to admit is it definitely was NOT IDAHO F&G mistake.

So why do you expect Idaho f&g to fix it?

You expect them to go over quota because you claim it was a mistake?

How do they know you aren’t lying? Why wouldn’t everyone just buy they last tag available then call F&G and say ohh it was a mistake, give me the tag I want.

At first I felt for ya, but you are taking zero ownership in this and just expect F&G to correct something they had nothing to do with.
When I bought my tag, I told them Sawtooth A, but they gave me Lolo A. They better add an extra Sawtooth tag just for me.
I wanted a tag, but there wasn’t any left when I got in the queue.

That’s a mistake F&G should fix.

Complaining about the tag he got, I didn’t even get one.
I wanted a tag, but there wasn’t any left when I got in the queue.

That’s a mistake F&G should fix.

Complaining about the tag he got, I didn’t even get one.
They keep screwing up my controlled hunt apps as well. I tell them unit 22 deer, but they put me in for 14. They owe me several unit 22 rifle buck tags.