Don't be tempted to buy the Fire Maple 1L pot, it is not the same as the Star X1 and is not as efficient as the Star X1.
@BBob, am guessing you mean here the Fire Maple FMC-XK6 (the same model that Deer Maple / Fire Maple make as the Olicamp XTS)?
I'm currently in the weeds on HX stoves, currently leaning towards the Fire Maple Petrel G2, G3, or Jet Boil Stash ... but do you see any current role for the Fire Maple FMC-XK6 / Olicamp XTS with the other options we now have available? The main value I can see is that it's a full liter capacity, and not sure we have a good option for that in a stand-alone HX pot yet ...
From Fire Maple's photos, it looks like the Star X1 pot could be used separately from the burner with that system ... have you seen any comparative weights and performance data for the Star X1 compared to the FMC-XK6 / Olicamp XTS?
[Edit: I found this video by Jon, where he cuts weight from the X1: He weighs the pot, lid, and burner for 15.8 oz, gives the burner weight as 6.8 oz, so the pot and lid must be 9 oz / 255 g.
That weight of 9 oz / 255 g for the X1 also includes a sleeve. I didn't see a weight just for the X1 sleeve on the Fire Maple site, but they state the weight for the G2 sleeve as 0.66 oz / 18.8 g. (In the video, Jon says the sleeve weights 'about an ounce', so that should be about right.) With the pots being a similar size, I'm assuming the sleeve on the X1 and G2 would be pretty much the same weight.
If so, removing the sleeve (to keep the comparison equal, but also as I think I saw Jon Fong and some others said in their testing that sleeves didn't make much difference), that would give a rough weight for the X1 pot and lid without sleeve as 8.34 oz / 236 g.
This compares to Fire Maple's stated weight for the FMC-XK6 of 6.7 oz / 190 g. The FMC-XK6 (or Olicamp XTS) is only 1 oz more than the G3 (5.7 oz / 162 g), and .2 oz more than the G2 (6.5 oz / 184 g), but has a stated capacity of 1 L vs either 600 or 750 ml.
So that seems like a comparatively small increase in weight from either Petrel to the FMC-XK6 / XTS for a significant increase in volume (and a better amount for two people). But the X1 is significantly heavier than the FMC-XK6.
Unless I've got those weights wrong (interpolating from Jon's video and using the G2 sleeve weight), have you seen anything about the performance of the X1 vs the FMC-XK6 that would justify that weight difference?]
[2nd edit, to keep this all together - I saw this post later in the thread above:

But that was it for that thread. I'm not a member of that forum, but a quick search engine check using that site domain didn't return anything more ... not to say it's not there.
In any case, if the weights above are correct, that's a sizeable weight penalty for the better performance...]