I am sure this is a hot topic, but just throwing this out there. I have several trad bows seems like my recurve likes cedar arrows and a two blade Zwickey better, my long bows like carbon and either Magnus Stingers or VPA two blade broadheads. I shot an elk this year with my recurve at 20 yards. My set up was a 55 pound recurve. Arrows were 11/32 Port Orford Cedar 30" long, tipped with 125 grain Zwickeys hand sharpened. Arrow weight was 605 i believe. Any way I did harvest the elk but honestly the blood trail wasn't that great considering I had a quartering away shot at 20 yards and hit him right behind the shoulder. The arrow went in 3/4 shaft. This has got me thinking about whether to switch broadheads or not. I am looking at possibly either the Woodsman three blades or maybe a Simmons two blade. On another forum there was a similar thread and seems like most guys preferred a three blade and thought they produced a better blood trail. Wondering what a lot of you experienced trad guys shoot upfront and what your experiences are good or bad with different braodheads?