Turkey Optic: What are you using?

Swamp Rat

Apr 29, 2020
Hey, first time poster. I apologize if this should have went in the game bird section.

I am new to turkey hunting and see a wide array of opinions on what lies between the shooter's eye and the turkey. I can in theory see the basic pros and cons of the 3 major options; bead/irons, red dot, and a scope. Question is what do you use and why? I hunt in an area where I can be in dense swamps to open clear cuts in no time. I also will be using the 12ga shotgun for deer hunting, grouse and rabbits. I do not mind swapping for each situation. I am a "right tool for the right job" type of guy.

I should add the 12ga is a Kel-Tec KS7 with choke adapter. It is a true gem for hunting rabbits and grouse living in thick swamps.
So i had great success with a Holosun red dot for a few seasons on my mossberg 935 3.5” for a few seasons, but decided to put a vortex strike eagle 1-8x on it so that i could switch to a slug barrel in the fall and just change the zero. It sighted in great, lets see how it hunts!

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I have a 1-4 x 32 bass pro scope with circle reticle. have it mounted on my mossberg 835. turkey head fits perfectly in circle. I have taken birds to 55 yards. I don't like red dots since my experience is dot goes invisible in bright light so need watch angle and rising sun. i also like the diamond reticle but think nikon made that one.

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Vortex razor red dot. Dot is plenty bright in any light. Original set it up for taking youth turkey hunters out, but have used it myself for the last 5 or 6 years