david long
At the request of Ryan Avery, we have added a forum dedicated to hardcore Turkey hunting! Thanks Ryan!
I think some of you missed the sarcasm....Ryan thinks turkey hunting is "supergay"
Did you guys ever pull a muscle packing out a turkey?
I've killed a ton of turkeys and I don't ever remember thinking "wow, that was one tough hunt"!
My sentiments! I love turkey hunting but honestly don't find it a challenge much anymore. I've killed 3-4 or more longbeards (in on up to 6-10 kills) for the last 10 years. All public land, heavily pressured. I think they are like anything else, understand them and then go get it done.......All that said, I still do enjoy the $hit out of having them spitting, drumming, and fanning at 10 yards.......right before they get sliced......