Are there any turkey finatics out there counting down the days until gobbler season opens? What states do you guys hunt? I plan on hunting Nebraska and Colorado this year. If I have time I'd like to explore Kansas.
Learn to hunt program on April 9th, then my season starts the 13th, drive all night after our turkey banquet on the 22nd. Not planning on going any place other then KS this year. Trying to figure out if next year I should head to FL to finish my bow slam(then single season slam it again) or just wait tell the year after and finish my world least these sound good. We will see if the cash is there. I have buddies in Fl , NE and KS so getting the other birds in the slam is very economical
Youth season April 9th and then regular season April 16th! Can wait for a thunder gobble alarm clock!!
We just hunt NE though. Have to save vacation days for the fall!
I will be chasing them late season in MN with my son and daughter. It will be my daughters first turkey hunt. I like late season, the toms are lonely and responsive!
I wouldn't say finatic but I'm itching to go bad this year. I go every year here in Missouri but this year then wait seems worse, maybe it's because as Ryan well knows it's just like elk hunting.
I've got 3 tags in MT and also drew in WY. Both seasons open April 9 and yes I'm eagerly waiting. It's always fun to get out in the spring and chase some gobblers!
This will be my first year chasing turkeys in MT and I'm actually pretty excited! Moving to the east side of the state today where there seems to be good turkey populations.
Our season in Cali starts March 26th. Always find it amusing that California over regulates everything but turkeys, we have no tags here. Its 3 turkeys for spring season on the honor system. Odd to hear people trying to draw tags for them. I guess they make up for our sucky deer population
Its a little weird here in WI. There are 7 zones and 6 one week time periods. In zone 1 where I hunt you have to apply to draw one of the first couple weeks and no guarantee of getting those two weeks. Then there will be a few(4,000ish) tags left for 3rd and probably won't sell out for the last 3 weeks. So you can buy a second tag on 3/21 then the other zones follow the same. On 3/26 you could buy one tag a day tell the season ends. So you could shoot LOTS of turkeys
I always look forward to turkey season. Most years myself and family hunt multiple states. Last year we hunted MT, NE, KS, and IL. It looks like we'll stay in MT this year, but with this year's increase in opportunity, we'll hunt the whole season from east to west.