Tuning strategy question

Feb 27, 2012
Des Moines, Iowa
Just curious what you are all doing to tune your bows. Do you just paper tune? Do you walk back tune? Do you bare shaft tune? Do you broadhead tune? What's your regimen for success?
I start with paper to get it close and then move to bareshaft. Start at 10 yards then go to 20. Then broadhead tune if I need to. If you have bareshafts hitting with FP's at 20 you probably won't have to tweak it much more.
+1 on the nuts and bolts of archery. I start with the bow timing. I have done the bare shaft paper tuning but who hunts with a bare shaft? Do some papertuning and get to shooting. Shoot a hundred arrows and check it on paper again. Do nit be scared to start tweaking things on the bow. It will increase your confidence and knowledge fast. Have fun!
After re-reading the OP, I guess you weren't asking for tips, just asking in general.

I was super lucky with my last bow. Its a PSE BowMadness 3G. It has reference lines cut in the riser about where the arrow should line up both horizontally and vertically. I just set it to those lines and got to shooting. Got it shooting at 20 yards and then started walking back. No adjustment needed. To his day I've never shot it through paper or with bareshafts. I meant to do it after the first couple hundred arrows after things got settled. It was shooting so good that I never did it. My broadheads are hitting with my field points out to 108 yards. That convinced me that I was good. Then I shot luminocks for a while with my partner behind me and we could never see anything that indicated anything other than perfect arrow flight.

I know this isn't normal, and I'm extremely lucky that it worked out that way. I'm always looking for things to adjust, but I've been blessed with a bow that keeps itself tuned.

And like CaseyU said, don't be afraid to try new things. Add a twist here, take one there. I would advise that you keep a note book with all of these adjustments and how they performed. Its hard to keep the notes at first, but I feel that it helps. Its much easier to bring things back if you don't like your adjustments.
I dont paper tune. Eye ball the rest set up. Shoot bare shaft. Yoke tune to get them to hit together. Then shoot broadheads and fps together. Adjust rest until they both hit the same out to 80 yards
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I start with paper to get it close and then move to bareshaft. Start at 10 yards then go to 20. Then broadhead tune if I need to. If you have bareshafts hitting with FP's at 20 you probably won't have to tweak it much more.

This is how i do it. I seldom move the rest. Hoyts are very responsive to yoke tuning.
I start with making sure my bow is timed correct, run a level against my top and bottom cam at full draw to plum the cams. Set the center shot on my rest up, and will paper tune. Then move to BH tuning. Start at 20 yards and move back to as far as I can.