Truth not allowed here

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I think we both know i cant tell you that or they will get me.
The infamous 'they' is universally used by those who are incapable of defining their opponent. It is one thing to use it as the pronoun it is, it is another to use it as a faceless bougie man.

I do not know, you over estimate my ability to read minds.
I think @CJ19 is trying to imply that we are all doomed and this site supports the elimination of free speach. There is no other reason why someone would latch onto a name and imply it will govern speach on forums when the only descriptions of its mission so far is dealing with information encouraging illegal immigration and that from a beligerant state.

Let me clear up that i dont think the sites admins want to eliminate free speech. This site's admins want to run a hunting forum and does so by utilizing a moderate moderation policy that best serves their model which is exactly what the site administrators have said and demonstrated many times.

As for the rest of your post, im not really sure what you are trying to say. But if the later part is supposed to be a description of what the new dhs board is supposed to be, it is an inaccurate description based on statements and actions made by dhs and the administration.

The infamous 'they' is universally used by those who are incapable of defining their opponent. It is one thing to use it as the pronoun it is, it is another to use it as a faceless bougie man.

I do not know, you over estimate my ability to read minds.

As for this, I was joking around with my responses and usage of "they" was supposed to make that obvious but obviously didnt.
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