True? My wife would say yes.

Nov 7, 2012
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When I ask mine where a particular item is, her response will always be that it’s exactly where you left it.
Must be genetic. :)
I do the same thing.

I'll look in the pantry for something. Check and double check. MIA.
I'll ask my wife and she won't even look for it. Instead she'll verbally describe the approximate location. She's usually right!

If we go hiking, I tell ya, within 30 minutes she doesn't know where she's at. I'm not all that confident she would make it back. To her credit we never start at a trailhead so we are always off trail. Not her element.
True. But my wife can't find anything in the shed, whereas I can give a direct and easy step by step route to finding almost anything in there.

My wife also likes to put my stuff "away." Like the envelope with all my tags for this season that arrived yesterday, that I put on the shelf by the door, to go out to the truck. An hour later "Hey babe, where did the envelope with my tags in it go?"
"I don't know, where did you leave it?"
"By the door."
"Well that's where it is then."
"No, it's not there, that's why I'm asking."
"Well you should have put it away then."
True. But my wife can't find anything in the shed, whereas I can give a direct and easy step by step route to finding almost anything in there.

My wife also likes to put my stuff "away." Like the envelope with all my tags for this season that arrived yesterday, that I put on the shelf by the door, to go out to the truck. An hour later "Hey babe, where did the envelope with my tags in it go?"
"I don't know, where did you leave it?"
"By the door."
"Well that's where it is then."
"No, it's not there, that's why I'm asking."
"Well you should have put it away then."
My wife does that too, but she doesn't remember where she stuck it.
yes true!
But her comment usually is "For someone with so much spacial awareness, why cant you load the dishwasher properly, Im just going to do it myself then!" :)