Troy Session AK Hunt Planner a thief?

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Aug 4, 2014
Phoenix, Az
It is not the noble thing to steal someone's design, but it may be the lucrative thing to do. Look at EVERYTHING we all like. Rotomold coolers are a cut throat industry. Pellet grills, changeable blade knives, bino harness's, rifle stocks, almost anything that is not patented, is knocked off. It also seems like the original company starts with a higher price and then quickly gets undercut. I mean, If I was first to market, I would have huge margins as well. I do not think rafts and game bags are immune to this cut throat way of life. Alibaba is full of Chinese knockoffs or unbranded copies. Some of them, as mentioned, are the same as name brand, at a fraction of the price.

It appears Larry and Troy's beef is deep and maybe shouldn't be put all over the internet.
Mar 29, 2019
For all o
A bag with a handle on the bottom, new and patentable? Laughable. Good luck. I have old Patrick Smith Mountainsmith or mby really early Kifaru game bags with a handle on the bottom. What people try to patent as new and the greatest since sliced bread puzzle me. And again good luck with it.
Please check out my new thread "Troy Sessions Tells All - Rafts, Game Bags" and repost your content there. Your participation is greatly appreciated!
I will expose all..
Mar 29, 2019
It is not the noble thing to steal someone's design, but it may be the lucrative thing to do. Look at EVERYTHING we all like. Rotomold coolers are a cut throat industry. Pellet grills, changeable blade knives, bino harness's, rifle stocks, almost anything that is not patented, is knocked off. It also seems like the original company starts with a higher price and then quickly gets undercut. I mean, If I was first to market, I would have huge margins as well. I do not think rafts and game bags are immune to this cut throat way of life. Alibaba is full of Chinese knockoffs or unbranded copies. Some of them, as mentioned, are the same as name brand, at a fraction of the price.

It appears Larry and Troy's beef is deep and maybe shouldn't be put all over the internet.

Please check out my new thread "Troy Sessions Tells All - Rafts, Game Bags" and repost your content there. Your participation is greatly appreciated!
I will expose all.. Get some popcorn!
Mar 29, 2019
Why? As I said a handle at the bottom of a game bag has been done before. Mby Patrick and others had decided it wasn’t worth the $$$ to try to patent it but you do. Good luck!
If what you said is true, consider why and how Caribou Gear obtained its patent if LB had already been out there. There are new laws in place at the USPTO office. It's not a matter of who was first, but instead who filed for the patent first." I have invested over 30K in patents over the years it's in my best interest to precisely know how this works. I am fully aware that most of your don't, this is why I'm not keeping silent any longer.


Nov 24, 2013
Washington State
If what you said is true, consider why and how Caribou Gear obtained its patent if LB had already been out there. There are new laws in place at the USPTO office. It's not a matter of who was first, but instead who filed for the patent first." I have invested over 30K in patents over the years it's in my best interest to precisely know how this works. I am fully aware that most of your don't, this is why I'm not keeping silent any longer.
Just because you applied for a patent first doesn't mean you didn't steal it...

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Mayhem Contributor
Feb 10, 2019
Central Texas
Just because you applied for a patent first doesn't mean you didn't steal it...

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The fun is happening over here.

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