Trophy of a lifetime......


Mar 28, 2017
Morrison, Colorado
I am curious about the barrel length, and cartridge specifics? I have thought about adding 300bo as a woods rifle, bit always talk myself out of it.


Aug 16, 2020
Bacon! It’s what’s for dinner....and breakfast...and lunch for the next year and a half. Good job!
So, i'm a pig hunter. Rabidly so, in fact. I prefer hunting hogs to just about anything else on the planet. I've hunted them in 8 states & on 3 continents.

But tonight I did something I never ever thought i'd manage.





I knew it was big from the trail cam pic, but I had no clue......I have to add, this was completely free range. No lodge, no fences, no pay-to-play & it was here in middle TN.... just a straight up hand to God feral hog. I've seen big pigs before. The kind of hogs that really get your blood pumping, but in 12 years & probably thousands of hours of hunt time I've never, ever seen a pig like this.

12 FOOT, running neck shot with my .300blk.

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Feb 17, 2014
Nice one!
Impressed you got it in the back of a truck too.
Thinking big pigs taste bad is a urban legend.. a myth passed down from the "They Say" folks. Not that they can't but any pig can taste bad if it's not taken care of after the kill.
I've killed 400+ pounders and boar hogs that ended up being Excellent quality. Even given it away to guys who think big pigs taste bad, get a report that it was delicious, then I tell them how big it was.
My findings is try and bleed them out after the shot and big boars we castrate them while they are still alive.. if possible.
My hunting hogs comes from South Florida and South Carolina but spent enough time around livestock auctions and ranch hands to learn some tricks. We also did a lot of trapping hogs in South Carolina. That's where I fine tuned the process of processing... in a control kill environment.

Bottom line is if you let a pig sit for a long time before breaking it down or ride around w it in the back of your truck to show all your friends... yea, it's probably going to taste like shit.


Mar 22, 2014
Tullahoma, TN
I am curious about the barrel length, and cartridge specifics? I have thought about adding 300bo as a woods rifle, bit always talk myself out of it.

It's a 16" barrel with a pistol length gas system. I load 110gn Barnes TAC-Tx for hogs. Winchester 296 powder & I'm getting 2540fps. It's an accurate, hard hitting load, comparable to a .30-30

Full body mount is my vote, ladies will love it 🤣

Man, if I had the room & money, I would absolutely have done it! I'm just doing a simple whole skull mount.


Mar 22, 2014
Tullahoma, TN
Nice one!
Impressed you got it in the back of a truck too.
Thinking big pigs taste bad is a urban legend.. a myth passed down from the "They Say" folks. Not that they can't but any pig can taste bad if it's not taken care of after the kill.
I've killed 400+ pounders and boar hogs that ended up being Excellent quality. Even given it away to guys who think big pigs taste bad, get a report that it was delicious, then I tell them how big it was.
My findings is try and bleed them out after the shot and big boars we castrate them while they are still alive.. if possible.
My hunting hogs comes from South Florida and South Carolina but spent enough time around livestock auctions and ranch hands to learn some tricks. We also did a lot of trapping hogs in South Carolina. That's where I fine tuned the process of processing... in a control kill environment.

Bottom line is if you let a pig sit for a long time before breaking it down or ride around w it in the back of your truck to show all your friends... yea, it's probably going to taste like shit.

Yeah, loading her up took 3 rednecks, a 6 pack & a tractor with a front bucket!
I agree completely about the eating. I just cooked up a tenderloin tonight & it was delicious. I've only ever had one that was bad & it was completely my own fault. It was warm & wet & i let it sit far too long before butchering it. It was edible, just not great.
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Mar 22, 2014
Tullahoma, TN
Are you limited to 150yds do you think with that?

I have a dead zero of 150yds with it & that keeps me in the money out to 200. I'm pretty sure it's capable well beyond that range, but 200 is my comfort limit with it. So far, my longest shot has been 70ish not totally sure, but I know it was beyond 50, inside 100. Another bang flop double lunged hog (actually, the one that didn't eat so well)
The Hornady 110 V-max bullet is supposed to be the absolute bomb for deer out to 300. I have a few hundred loaded, but I haven't tested them out yet.
Sep 3, 2014
Sabinal, TX
That's a whopper!
What are your meat plans for a pig that size? The big ones around here (I've never seen one that big locally) don't usually get eaten except by coyotes. Poor meat quality is given as a reason but could be just an excuse when a front end loader is not available. I've only butchered the sub 100 pounders.

FWIW- The size is irrelevant. What matters is their diet and, in the case of boars, whether they’re rutting with a sow. On a few rare occasions I’ve had a big sow that stunk and I’m pretty sure it was a hormonal thing - either freshly bred or just into estrus. All I know is that I’ve butchered 1 of the 2 400lb+ boars I’ve killed and a ton of 200-325lb pigs I’ve killed and only a pretty small number of them have been rank smelling. My rule is... if the hog smells rank (beyond regular hog smell) when I recover it, I don’t butcher. If it doesn’t smell, regardless of the size, it gets processed or donated. Now, this is on the S Texas hunting ranch I manage. I believe it’s due to their diet here. I’ve hunted a lot of pigs in parts of central Texas and the number of rank smelling hogs is much higher. It’s got to be the diet. I’m Germany, where my family has a lot of hunting ground, almost ALL the hogs are butchered and I have noticed very few being rank like here in Texas, regardless of size; and I’ve seen some truly giant hogs over there!

Young animals are ALWAYS more tender than mature ones. So the preference for smaller sized pigs is understandable. However, those big hogs are terrific for anything ground; and the tenders and backstraps are always good! I’ve watched a lot of hunters erroneously discard a lot of perfectly good meat (a real shame!) simply because it was bigger than some arbitrary size or weight limit they had heard of or come up with themselves. It really ought to be based on each individual hog. I’ve shocked a lot of my hunters by peeling back the skin on a big boar and removing a backstrap - put it in a fridge for a couple hours, pull it out and challenge them to smell it! Smells just fine and they want it. Now some folks, ONCE it’s in their mind, it could smell like a filet mignon and they would say they thought it still smelled bad. Lol. But that’s just their prejudice getting the better of them.

Hope this long-ass post helps!

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