Hello Rocksliders this is my first post I hope it is in the right place.Ive been lurking in the shadows for some time taking in all the good info and have learned a lot.i booked my first sheep hunt with cole ellis aug 10 to 17 2018 and am super stoked.my understanding wife asked when can I go to Alaska?so after much discussion we decided to take the trip of a lifetime or a trip from hell... time will tell?we are going to take 6 weeks and drive from WI to Alaska with our 17 yo daughter and 11 yo son and spend a month in Alaska we rented a house in anchorage from july 22 to aug 23.we intend on taking a guided king salmon trip (if we are not too late) and a guided halibut trip.we would like to do some fishing on our own as well as some sightseeing and camping.i would appreciate any good info I can get on reliable fishing guides,streams,rivers to fish on our own,fishing equipment and tackle needed,places and or sights to see good campgrounds or camping spots...etc.we would like to bring home a decent amount of good eating fish.we are bringing tents and camping equipment so we can travel and stay where the action is.thanks in advance.