Trijicon accupoint 1-6 x 24


Feb 17, 2018
This isnt quite on theme with most of the scopes here, but its come up a number of times so figured Id post, and anyone interested or with relevant experience can chime in.

Just picked up a 1-6 accupoint. Was choosing between the 1-6 credo 2fp, this, and the S&B zenith 1.5-6x42. Chose this mainly for the thicker reticle and always-on dot—Indid not care for the credo reticle options, and the s&b also has a good but thinner reticle. This replaced a 3-9 credo that I liked, but was wishing for a bit more field of view and bolder reticle. I got the green dot/duplex reticle because that was the thickest, boldest option (edit: I actually think that statement is wrong…but several of the reticles look good and thick for those who need that). Mine is mounted on a remington 7600 carbine and will be used pretty exclusively tracking and still hunting in thick timber and brush at point blank range only. Typical range would be 20-50 yards with anything over 100 being a wildly rare exception. For my use the reticle is perfect. As in, they effing nailed it, its much better (ie more visible against a dark and very busy background) than the duplex on the 3-9 credo this replaced, and the always-on dot is pretty cool. Have not had a chance to put it thru its paces yet but initial impression is very good. At 19oz its on the heavy side for such a small scope with capped turrets, which is not ideal but fine for me if it holds up. Eyebox is really great, id say its noticeably better than my 3-9 credo, more forgiving and a bit longer, more like the eyebox on the Leupold VX scopes I’ve owned in the past. Glass seems very crisp. Normally I have to squint an eye but on this scope at 1x I can easily keep both open. I can update when I get some use how it does in lower light at higher magnification—just using it inside in a dimly lit room it seems plenty bright at least in the lower magnifications, so we’ll see. The test will be picking a hole through brush at 6x, at 27 minutes past sunset in a cedar swamp on the north side of a mountain on a cloudy grey day.

Durability—again, will have to see but fingers crossed and banking on trijicons reputation. Not sure dropping it would show much in this platform, as its on a pump rifle not known for exceptional repeatability in the first place, so I think it’d be hard to differentiate whats from the scope and whats the rifle. Its mounted as best as I can on the mandatory weaver rail and in nightforce ul rings, all anchored in paint pen…another experiment. Starting in a few weeks this’ll get dragged around the Adirondacks and Greens for about a month this fall so I’m sure it’ll get handled sufficiently. I will update after some use and if anything seems noteworthy. But, first impression is that this is really pretty perfect for my intended use.
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This isnt quite on theme with most of the scopes here, but its come up a number of times so figured Id post, and anyone interested or with relevant experience can chime in.

Just picked up a 1-6 accupoint. Was choosing between the 1-6 credo 2fp, this, and the S&B zenith 1.5-6x42. Chose this mainly for the thicker reticle and always-on dot—Indid not care for the credo reticle options, and the s&b also has a good but thinner reticle. This replaced a 3-9 credo that I liked, but was wishing for a bit more field of view and bolder reticle. I got the green dot/duplex reticle because that was the thickest, boldest option. Mine is mounted on a remington 7600 carbine and will be used pretty exclusively tracking and still hunting in thick timber and brush at point blank range only. Typical range would be 20-50 yards with anything over 100 being a wildly rare exception. For my use the reticle is perfect. As in, they effing nailed it, its much better (ie more visible against a dark and very busy background) than the duplex on the 3-9 credo this replaced, and the always-on dot is pretty cool. Have not had a chance to put it thru its paces yet but initial impression is very good. At 19oz its on the heavy side for such a small scope with capped turrets, which is not ideal but fine for me if it holds up. Eyebox is really great, id say its noticeably better than my 3-9 credo, more forgiving and a bit longer, more like the eyebox on the Leupold VX scopes I’ve owned in the past. Glass seems very crisp. Normally I have to squint an eye but on this scope at 1x I can easily keep both open. I can update when I get some use how it does in lower light at higher magnification—just using it inside in a dimly lit room it seems plenty bright at least in the lower magnifications, so we’ll see. The test will be picking a hole through brush at 6x, at 27 minutes past sunset in a cedar swamp on the north side of a mountain on a cloudy grey day.

Durability—again, will have to see but fingers crossed and banking on trijicons reputation. Not sure dropping it would show much in this platform, as its on a pump rifle not known for exceptional repeatability in the first place, so I think it’d be hard to differentiate whats from the scope and whats the rifle. Its mounted as best as I can on the mandatory weaver rail and in nightforce ul rings, all anchored in paint pen…another experiment. Starting in a few weeks this’ll get dragged around the Adirondacks and Greens for about a month this fall so I’m sure it’ll get handled sufficiently. I will update after some use and if anything seems noteworthy. But, first impression is that this is really pretty perfect for my intended use.
The 1-6 Accupoint is an outstanding scope. Probably my absolute favorite of all of my optics.
Hmmm. Id thought it was thicker, but checking Im not sure…I think you are on to something. I find trijicons reticle
diagrams confusing. They show both .3moa and .6 moa for the thinner inside stadia on their diagrams, I had only seen the .3 on the #4. It looks like in both cases its a .6moa dot, .6moa only on the bottom thin inner stadia (to route the fiber optic?), .3 on the other 3 inner stadia. The #4 has much thicker outer stadia, but the thin inner section is larger. I havent looked thru trijicon’s version of a #4 so it may very well be bolder side by side comparison. In any case they both should be pretty bold, more so than anything available in many of their other scope models. For sure the accupoint 1-6 duplex is a LOT bolder than the duplex in the 3-9 credo. That credo duplex was too fine for my use and was a significant part of why I sold it and tried this one.

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This isnt quite on theme with most of the scopes here, but its come up a number of times so figured Id post, and anyone interested or with relevant experience can chime in.

Just picked up a 1-6 accupoint. Was choosing between the 1-6 credo 2fp, this, and the S&B zenith 1.5-6x42. Chose this mainly for the thicker reticle and always-on dot—Indid not care for the credo reticle options, and the s&b also has a good but thinner reticle. This replaced a 3-9 credo that I liked, but was wishing for a bit more field of view and bolder reticle. I got the green dot/duplex reticle because that was the thickest, boldest option. Mine is mounted on a remington 7600 carbine and will be used pretty exclusively tracking and still hunting in thick timber and brush at point blank range only. Typical range would be 20-50 yards with anything over 100 being a wildly rare exception. For my use the reticle is perfect. As in, they effing nailed it, its much better (ie more visible against a dark and very busy background) than the duplex on the 3-9 credo this replaced, and the always-on dot is pretty cool. Have not had a chance to put it thru its paces yet but initial impression is very good. At 19oz its on the heavy side for such a small scope with capped turrets, which is not ideal but fine for me if it holds up. Eyebox is really great, id say its noticeably better than my 3-9 credo, more forgiving and a bit longer, more like the eyebox on the Leupold VX scopes I’ve owned in the past. Glass seems very crisp. Normally I have to squint an eye but on this scope at 1x I can easily keep both open. I can update when I get some use how it does in lower light at higher magnification—just using it inside in a dimly lit room it seems plenty bright at least in the lower magnifications, so we’ll see. The test will be picking a hole through brush at 6x, at 27 minutes past sunset in a cedar swamp on the north side of a mountain on a cloudy grey day.

Durability—again, will have to see but fingers crossed and banking on trijicons reputation. Not sure dropping it would show much in this platform, as its on a pump rifle not known for exceptional repeatability in the first place, so I think it’d be hard to differentiate whats from the scope and whats the rifle. Its mounted as best as I can on the mandatory weaver rail and in nightforce ul rings, all anchored in paint pen…another experiment. Starting in a few weeks this’ll get dragged around the Adirondacks and Greens for about a month this fall so I’m sure it’ll get handled sufficiently. I will update after some use and if anything seems noteworthy. But, first impression is that this is really pretty perfect for my intended use.
I'm in VT as well Mac and have that exact scope on my 35 Rem lever gun and for the last 2 seasons and muzzleloader last season. I've carried them around VT, NH and MA without any issues.
Loving the scope so far. Good eyebox, very useable in general. Ive had it out till end of legal light on some cloudy days in cedar swamps and have not felt like light-gathering was a problem—theres better scopes for super low-light hunting, but for a tracking and still-hunting rifle very few people will feel like this scope is a liability at first and last light.
loving the reticle—nice and simple, and its bold enough especially with the always-on dot. I like that, unlike the “only in the center of the field of view” the 3-9 credo has, this crosshair goes edge-to-edge. That may be my set in my ways crustiness talking, but I like this reticle a lot better. So far Im very happy with the scope, and I’ll update zero-retention after the season, but from a general useability standpoint for a low-power/wide fov point and shoot scope this is a winner.IMG_6234.jpegIMG_6255.jpeg
I picked up an accupoint 1-4 with red triangle post before this season and like it but wish I went with the 1-6 and green duplex like you have. May make the switch in the off season!
Love the old school rifle and new school scope!

Love my scope too, only the caped is a pain dialing
For sure it would not be my choice if I planned to dial at all. Since this scope and rifle will absolutely never be dialed in the field, it's better for my uses to be capped. edit: I zeroed 1" high at 100 yards which has me within an inch of point of aim to almost 200 yards, which is farther than I'll ever have the opportunity to shoot this rifle at game where I use it. Dialing just isnt a thing here.
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Off topic but what kind of wind screen do you have on your stove?
Oh, it's a fancyboy custom job. Big $$$$. (aluminum foil, folded in half, and rimmed with electrical tape so it doesnt tear. Folds up nicely into the little storage bag for the pot, and both the stove, gas cannister and lighter fit inside, so it takes up very little room. Smaller than a grapefruit on the "universal fruit scale")
I'm watching for a BF sale on the TR24G [1-4, 30mm tube, post green triangle] . I had similar in the previous 1" tube and loved it except the tube was so short I couldn't adjust it for eye relief. That reticle is perfect for moose and bear IMO. I have several Trijicons and they have been very reliable.
Initial zero and post-season zero check:

New Trijicon accupoint 1-6, NF UL rings, weaver base, (all torqued and with thread locker, rings at 20in/lb), Rem 7600 carbine 30-06, factory barnes vortx 168gr TTSX.

10/13/24, temps in the mid 60’s, spitting rain, calm wind. Bore-sighted, fired one shot. Adjusted off the one shot, and fired a 3-shot group.

Adjusted down 6 clicks, fired another 3-round group.


Normally I would have fired 10 and done a final adjustment, but this gun is not particularly precise to begin with, it’s downright unpleasant to shoot and given that the 2 small groups, absent the adjustment I made, would have stacked right on top of each other—which pointed toward 6+ round consistency—I elected to leave it as-is since its within a click or so of my intention to be zeroed 1” high. 95% of its use is 75 yards and less, but this allows me to hold center inside any realistic distance where I hunt (sub 200 yards MAX).

Since then, its been on about 300 driving miles, about 30 of which was on seasonal, rough gravel roads. Carried the gun about 20 cumulative miles off-trail. I did take one fall onto my ass as the bark slipped off the trunk of a deadfall I was trying to climb over, where the gun took some significant impact. And exactly one shot fired. Ended up shooting a good for me buck on day 4 so I didnt rifle hunt the rest of the season, so thats the extent of use so far.

Zero check today 1/11/25. It was snowing pretty good, about 18f, and light wind.

The group today is centered about 1/2” higher, but given this is realistically a 3moa gun, as well as the 3-round initial zero, I think this result is unsurprising, and I cant say it moved. Given what this rifle is, Im happy with how the scope is holding zero in use. I’ll likely check it again similarly next fall and will report back if anything changes. Until then Im calling it solid.
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