Tricks, tips and comparisons for BaseMap and OnX Apps

Thank you for the comment. We are currently working on updating and increasing the number of icons we have for markers. Please watch for an update to come in the next few months.


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I'm considering onx vs basemap vs gaia. One of the things that I am trouble finding an answer to is whether basemap on an iPhone (I like the price obviously) can act as a handheld GPS for navigation to a treestand in the dark. How does the accuracy of the app in phone compare to a garmin Oregon 600 (as an example)? Private property boundaries for an IA hunt this year are important. Being able to scout on my desktop/laptop and transfer data to my phone is important. I just keep using my Garmin? Thx for the advice.
I'm considering onx vs basemap vs gaia. One of the things that I am trouble finding an answer to is whether basemap on an iPhone (I like the price obviously) can act as a handheld GPS for navigation to a treestand in the dark. How does the accuracy of the app in phone compare to a garmin Oregon 600 (as an example)? Private property boundaries for an IA hunt this year are important. Being able to scout on my desktop/laptop and transfer data to my phone is important. I just keep using my Garmin? Thx for the advice.
Yes accuracy should be similar on your phone as it would be on a gps unit. I only use my phone now days.

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I'm considering onx vs basemap vs gaia. One of the things that I am trouble finding an answer to is whether basemap on an iPhone (I like the price obviously) can act as a handheld GPS for navigation to a treestand in the dark. How does the accuracy of the app in phone compare to a garmin Oregon 600 (as an example)? Private property boundaries for an IA hunt this year are important. Being able to scout on my desktop/laptop and transfer data to my phone is important. I just keep using my Garmin? Thx for the advice.
Great question. Accuracy on any GPS device is dependent on many factors. Our app will be as accurate as most handheld GPS units. Obviously the number of satellites you are connected to as well as tree cover will help determine the accuracy. You will have no problem navigating to your treestand with the app.
Can't beat the price! onX is alright but every time I hear an ad for them I think that's why it so expensive.
I'm not a super techy guy so during this thread I hope some other members will chime in with thier tricks, tips, and best practices for which ever app they prefer.

I was planning a spring bear hunt in a new area with a buddy so needed a new mapping service with Idaho. So I started searching around for options.

I've been using onX maps for the last couple years and currently have premium Utah maps on annual renewal. I've really enjoyed using this app to cyber scout and store waypoints for upcoming trips. To use onX for multiple states I would need to upgrade to the elite package of all 50 states or add each state individually.

I read about the Rokstaff using BaseMap last year here. BaseMap is also available in basic and pro series. When I went to check the differences between the basic and pro series, the thing that stuck out most was with basic you could only have a single off line map. I knew a single map was going to work for me so I focused on the pro series. BaseMap mapping includes all 50 states which comes in pretty handy, because you just never know when plans will change.

Late March Covid-19 goes into full swing Idaho cancelled non-resident spring bear tag purchases before my hunting partner bought a tag. I started researching Montana who quickly followed suit closing spring bear to non-residents. I started looking at Wyoming who doesn't allow non-resident hunting without self quarantine for 14 days. With plans shifting so quickly having all Western States on BaseMap was amazing. Nevertheless I'm currently without a spring bear tag but ready to pounce if any of the above states relax restrictions.

I'll be relying on you Rokslide members to get me up to speed on the which of your favorite features in either app your using. Please comment because I'm the type that finds a way that works and then just sticks with it.
I'm hoping to set up each app and compare them head to head during Utah big game general season. I'll be using BaseMap primarily to pre-scout any out of state tags I might draw.

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This is very helpful, thanks for sharing.
Great question. Accuracy on any GPS device is dependent on many factors. Our app will be as accurate as most handheld GPS units. Obviously the number of satellites you are connected to as well as tree cover will help determine the accuracy. You will have no problem navigating to your treestand with the app.
I had a friend showing me some of his waypoints in OnX for a new hunting area, and I was manually adding those areas into BaseMap. My maps were loading way slower than his though as we scanned through the area (both iPhones with good signal). So my question is, are there any adjustments that I can make to my settings or layers that will speed up the rate that BaseMap loads at? Thanks
I had a friend showing me some of his waypoints in OnX for a new hunting area, and I was manually adding those areas into BaseMap. My maps were loading way slower than his though as we scanned through the area (both iPhones with good signal). So my question is, are there any adjustments that I can make to my settings or layers that will speed up the rate that BaseMap loads at? Thanks
Great question. There isn't a setting that will speed up the loading of the maps. One thing to keep in mind is that we provide a much higher resolution satellite image than our competitor. Which means they are larger files that need to be pulled from the server as you scroll around the map.

In WI. We have MFL open and MFL closed land. These are private lands that the owners enroll their properties into. MFL is “managed forest lands” that are open to the public in return they get tax breaks. Larger one if they enroll in the open vs. closed program.
I had BaseMap and really liked it but could not find a layer that would show me the properties enrolled and had to go back to OnX as they show these on their mapping. Is there something I missed in BaseMap that would show me these properties and tell me if they are open or closed?

Great question. There isn't a setting that will speed up the loading of the maps. One thing to keep in mind is that we provide a much higher resolution satellite image than our competitor. Which means they are larger files that need to be pulled from the server as you scroll around the map.
I’ll give it a try.
I did some searching and couldn't find any threads about this and maybe it was covered you can call me out.

Google has at least 3 products that are directional/gps based. Maps, Earth, and MyMaps. MyMaps was a new one on me. Its kinda like a cross between Maps and Earth. It probably has additional features, but I found that you can do driving routes that you can export to KML. Where I'll be hunting this year, there won't be much reception, so I built routes to all my hunting locations and put them into OnX and my Garmin. I haven't tested out how well this works just yet, so I'll do some initial testing by putting my driving route to work on OnX and then putting my phone into airplane mode. BUT this could be pretty useful I'm thinking