Trekking Poles

I’ve been running dual poles for awhile now. But I bought a long 100 cm ice axe recently and wanna try using that on sheep and goat hunt this summer.
Cascade Mountain Tech Carbon Fiber Quick Lock Trekking Poles purchased on Amazon for about $35. They're quiet and lightweight. I've used them the past two years in Colorado on elk hunts. Saw a Youtube video to DIY a bino attachment to the top of one and a V shooting rest to the top of the other one. I'm going to do that and probably cut my tripod out. I'll just use the one pole as a monopod while I'm glassing. Gotta cut weight wherever I can so we can go farther back.
I highly recommend the black diamond countour with the flick lock, I have been using them for around four years with no issues, also they work great when using them on my tarptent protrail.
Do the flatland Costcos of Texas ever carry the $30 Cascade Mountain Trekking Poles? I don't remember ever seeing them in store and they $69.99 on
This flatlander would definitely fall and be killed without them. I can’t imagine not having them in some of the terrain we were in last year. That said, I opted to save a few bucks and got the aluminum cascades. Snapped one the last day of the hunt, it went deep into some wet soil and when I went to pull myself uphill it snapped and I went face first into the ground. If I had fell to my left a few inches the broken part in the ground would’ve stuck me in the face, could’ve killed me. It was my inexperience, I should’ve known to pull it out and reset after it went so deep. Now I have the carbon ones, and installed the mud disc things and they will be staying on to prevent that from happening again.
Not sure. Personal preferrence.
I have the carbon. I figure that if you even dent the aluminum, they're done. While the carbon will most likely hold up better in that aspect. (and mine have)
Aluminum can still be used if it's dented. Once carbon snaps, it's done. No different than tent poles.

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Ok. Good luck.
I’ll stick to the carbon.

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It's not luck, it's fact. I've had carbon tent poles snap and ruin rain flies. I've seen more carbon trekking poles snap than aluminum. I've beat the crap out of my aluminum poles for the past 4 years and they haven't skipped a beat. Good luck with the carbons.

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I really like my Pacemaker sticks, they have a removable rubber octopus head that covers the spike....makes a very big difference when using them in soft/wet ground or on hard surfaces. I use those heads on all terrain except for snow/ice.
I bought a set of Leki Christallo at a REI garage sale for like $40, they were new and have been great. Solid and pack to a short length. If you are going to carry them In Your pack for some of your trip make sure they compact down enough to not be a hassle.
A couple friends and I did a sheep hunt this month and both of them brought the cascade mtn tech carbon poles. The poles seem really well made. At the same time, they seem like more of a pain in the ass in sheep country. A lot of times when you need to hold onto a boulder for balance the poles are in the way. With that said, I would like to try running a single pole in more moderate country to see how I like it.
Pulled the trigger on the kaskades after reading through this. My knees thank everyone.
I don’t know what kinds of deals are being offered around the country with the rest of the Costco‘s, but it looks like they’re practically giving them away up here. Pretty hard not to invest in a pair of these to try them out.

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