Billy Goat
So I have a sheep farm. I trap when I have problems. Last week I had a coyote kill on rental ground. I set snares in the fenceline and this evening I caught a setter from a few houses down. Damn thing crushed my thumb while letting it out. I was muzzling it with one hand. Sweetest damn dog once I got it out but a handful while caught. ( I set my snares for body grips). I had already checked my line but got a phone call from the owners that someone was looking for their dog.
Just curious what everyone has released?
My best story is letting a skunk go from a snare. We approached it with a tarp. Thing of course sprayed the tarp, we got it's tail down and released it. Walked a little ways and looked back at us. Seemed to thank us, then went on it's way. My buddy was puking on the tree the whole time from the smell so he missed skunk salute.
Just curious what everyone has released?
My best story is letting a skunk go from a snare. We approached it with a tarp. Thing of course sprayed the tarp, we got it's tail down and released it. Walked a little ways and looked back at us. Seemed to thank us, then went on it's way. My buddy was puking on the tree the whole time from the smell so he missed skunk salute.