train to hunt


Sep 26, 2012
Palmer, AK
Anyone here do "Train to Hunt"? Do you like it, is it worth the money. I emailed them asking about a sample workout and if any equipment or anything else would be needed to do workouts and the reply I got was they prefer people do the workouts at home or in their garage, its the best program to get me ready for hunting season, the next email I got was to go through the entire sign up, let them know they would set me up with a one week trial membership. Really at this point I am just wanting information basically what do the workouts entail do I need equipment. Is the upgrade with videos required? Thanks.
My vote is to save your money and have the guys here help ya with some workouts.......or google 'functional workouts routines/programs/plans' and have some fun.
X2 on arrowslingers comment. Alot of their stuff( or similar type workouts) can be found on youtube . Or with a search of crossing work outs . Don't get me wrong if.motivation is what you need Dan is a great guy for it but if your self motivated and don't mind watching a few videos its all there...Good luck
There is a mention of TtH in the cross fit journal. It was started by two cross fit gym owners in Spokane. This will pop up in a google search.

If they are aiming at home workouts specific to hunt conditioning and cross fit, then you will need some home equipment. TtH does show "Olympic" work outs on their website, so you may need an Olympic bar and plates. However, many home cross fit gyms go with just barbells, pull up bars, and a rower or bike.

Home gyms also make a bunch of stuff.

It looks like it would be a good program for guiding some one through the best cross fit WODs that specifically help the hunter. I have been looking into what to do after I get lighter using basic fitness, and cross fit has interested me but is confusing as well. This TtH system might be the way to go to get started in cross fit since it has a purpose.
I'm a crossfit coach and let me tell you it isn't confusing once you are immersed in the community. We spit acronyms like medical professionals so I understand some confusion. I basically tailor my crossfit workouts towards hunting applicable movements along with functionality. I've got a home gym I use now because of my class load I cannot teach these final two semesters. I have an oly barbell, with bumper plates, a 45 lb and a 70 lb kettlebell. I can do almost everything with these items. I'm currently trying to weld up a pullup bar rack so I can be totally self sufficient and not have to do pullups on a tree! Don't let crossfit scare you, to really put it plainly we just incorporate olympic lifting, high intensity interval training, bodyweight movements along with running/rowing/sprinting to make a workout program to make you the best all around athlete you can become. Our goal with crossfit is to up your GPP (General Physical Preparedness) level to where you can handle any situation, at any time, in any environment. Think of it as becoming a physically fit athletic jack of all trades. Whereas marathon runners and extreme powerlifters are considered fringe/specialty athletes, we want you to be able to jog well (But not beat marathon runners) Lift well ( But not compete with powerlifters) etc etc.
I have been doing the train to hunt program since October, its an a*s kicker every time. Personally, I have grown to like just showing up at the gym and having a program for that day ready made. I have been lifting/working out consistantly for the last 17 years, never with a trainer, always made my own programbut that takes time to do it right.

Compared to a crossfit membership, its pretty cheap. I would recommend the $17 a month program for a little while to learn the terms. You likely could do the $7 program and google the exercises. Be careful, there are some fairly technical lifts that could allow you to injur yourself if not done correctly.

With a pullup bar, olympic bar, some plates, a box, jump rope, medicine ball and a kettlebell you can do 99% of the workouts on the site.
I checked out the website back before they started charging for it. As others have said, it's basically Crossfit with the programming leaning towards excercises you will use hunting. It looked like a really good program. But to answer your question "is it worth the money?" I would have to say no, not with so many similar programs available online for free. In addition to the main Crossfit website, there are many Crossfit affiliates that post daily workouts on their websites that you can view for free.
I don't think you need to pay the money. Like others have said, it is just cross fit exercises tailored to hunting. You can look on the web and come up with your own programs. I mix some cross fit type stuff in with my work outs and basically just make up my own work out programs. It isn't rocket science. Concentrate your workouts on core, back and leg strength. Mix you cardio between burst type training and long distance training.

That said, if you have never been into working out or don't know a lot about it then would probably be worth your money to pay for a program for a while.
Thanks for the replies everyone. I decided to not do "train to hunt" instead I am going to do some crossfit. Since I don't have any equipment I went cheap and decided to make my own. I made a 10lb and 20lb medicine by using a small basketball a size 5 basketball and sand. I am going to make a @50lb sandbag using an old canvas game bag and also make a jumpbox. With the lack of snow I am thinking I am going to get my bike back out and start going for rides.