I passed up four medium sized bruins the last night and morning of season. Hides were getting a little scrappy looking and nothing with a genuine pumpkin head showed up. I was really hoping to see a giant bear this season and never got an opportunity. We did manage to harvest 10 archery bears in our crew, 5 of which should make P&Y, 4 kids age 16 and younger took bears. Overall a great season. I might get lucky and run across a bruin this fall - might even consider running a fall bait since I've never done that. I probably wouldn't hunt it until October when there's not much else going on. Might be able to catch a wolf sniffing around also. I have seen ten wolves this spring but season closed before I saw any of them. One was a tremendous alpha dog that would have been a gorgeous full body mount. I see myself working pretty hard to get a wolf come late fall/winter this year.