Traditional vs Elope

Those that have gotten married, if you could do it all over again would you do a traditional wedding or Elope?
Elope! Go somewhere fun. Enjoy your time with you and your wife without distractions. The wedding should only be about you and your wife. A traditional wedding won’t give you that. Inevitably there’s personalities that need to be managed, people will want to cause a scene/make it about them…….it always happens. If I had to do it again I would take my closest family and friends and have a destination wedding. You can always have some sort of party when you get back to celebrate but tbh the traditional wedding and reception is almost always more for your guests than it is you and your wife.
My wife and I got married by a friend of mine without a reception nor any guests.

Some of my friends spent thousands and thousands on the wedding and more on the honeymoon. We spent about $18 on everything. 15 years later our house and cars are paid off and my friends who spent the most on the wedding are still buried in debt.

Pay attention to the expectations to make sure you can afford to be married.