Tough pack choice Eberlestock j107M or mystry ranch CC

At your torso length the CC will be putting all the weight on your shoulders... I promise.

Heed his words... Honestly to me what you are describing that you want a Timberline 2 would fit the bill. Compresses well for Dayhunts, Best suspensions system in the industry and can haul meat well... If you can afford a CC than you can afford a T2. You would just have to ask Aron or someone else how to attach a gun scarab to it.
Ive been talking with aron and its seems with my height (torso length) I am probably not going to be happy with either the eberle or mystry so Im looking at the Kifaro timberline 2 or 3 and adding a scabbord.
I was in the similar situation. I have a J107 and like the versatlity, but fully loaded with a spike duffel gets interesting. Heavy loads are not so fun. For a person that only has one pack and trips are short, not really a problem. I was looking at the crew cab until I found the Timberline 2. All packs do the job well, but for me the T2 does it best. I had them throw a gun bearer in with my order, but have not used it yet. Access to rifle will be faster than in the J107 scarab.