Top 3 items in your pack?

Aron Snyder

Rokslide Sponsor
Jan 23, 2012
The Wilderness
What are the top 3 items in order of importance that you stick in your pack? This doesn't mean what you need to survive, but your favorite items.
Hilleberg Nallo GT 4 (backcountry palace for two)
A sizable stash of Sour Patch Kids (amongst other candy)
Pentax WG-1 digital camera (The elk is down! =)
Yea thats a tough one. My kifaru pack or shelter are big but I would consider them (needed to survive) so the three things not needed but that I like would be

Wet wipes
Mio water flavoring
Nikon camera
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damn....that's a tough question.

1) Black Diamond trekking poles
2) Glide
3) Honey Stinger Waffles
Shelter- currently looking for a sub-4# 2 man tent
Water-Sweetwater pump and platypus bottle
Fire starter- I use reloder 19 gunpowder and a lighter