Kifaru reckoning help

May 22, 2024
Purchased the Kifaru reckoning with the lid. I’m trying to compare the frames and make a decision but can’t pull the trigger.
Which frame do yall suggest?
I’m 5’10” 215. Will be used for mainly day trips, and at most 1-2 nighters. Using for elk and mule deer hunts.

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Like said above, can't go wrong either way. The benefits of the Ark is lighter, better loader lifter system, shoulder straps and belt material. Supposed to carry weight better also. I just got one but haven't used it to say how it's different from the duplex.

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I know a frame is very important, but with the 200 dollar difference I just want to make sure I make the right decision.

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I've been using my Reckoning on an old duplex frame for 9 years now. I've hauled 100lb loads on it, use it to carry all my crap around the whitetail woods year round, and just did an 8 day trip for mule deer above treeline in September. It still works great. Haven't even replaced the belt and shoulderstraps as recommended. The "need" for the ARK system is overstated...
I will echo the thoughts of the above post.

I haven't used an ARK so I can't comment, but I've had my Reckoning on a Duplex lite frame for a couple of years now and I've carried some huge loads with it. After coming from the Exo K2 5500, I can see why people say Kifaru handles slightly heavier loads better, but the latest Exo supposedly is a fair step up from the K2.

I'm sure the ARK does some great stuff but definitely share your sentiment that it's a heap more money for what could be only a small gain in some areas of importance, but again, I've never used one so I don't really know.

What I will say is that I don't see myself rushing out to buy an ARK anytime soon. What I have done is bought a used Stryker XL recently, so I don't have to deal with the bulk and strappy nature of the Reckoning when doing day hunts. It did me fine for day hunts but I think a slightly smaller pack with fewer straps will be easier to deal with for my fallow rut hunting, and it'll obviously still handle the meat hauling.
I have a 24" tactical frame, large or medium belt, if you'd be interested in a used one.
I know a frame is very important, but with the 200 dollar difference I just want to make sure I make the right decision.

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I have a saying that I go by. But some think it's crazy.

Price paid will long be forgotten after the satisfaction of purchase.

Meaning, the more expensive option is often times better. But not always. Will $200 make a difference in your life? That's another way to look at it.

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