"Old and Gray", Being you have a bit of first hand experience with wolves, what is the best round for a guy looking to preserve fur? We have only had one season in my lifetime here in Michigan and I didn't score during that hunt. I packed a 243 with either 70 or 80 grain Nosler BTs if I remember correctly. I figured on the large side they are about the size of a deer but most likely going to be around 100 lbs or less and didn't figure full house deer load would be in order. I took a 223 with 69 gr SMKs as backup in case of failure with my primary gun or scope. I know a good taxidermist can fix a lot but without making a mess for them, what is the perfect fur friendly wolf round hoping we get another season or several? Thanks, Matt
If you were starting new workout restrictions though, what would you go with. I'm definitely not opposed to buying a new gun. That was just what I had at the time.
I like a 270. Several wolves have been shot incidental to hunting big game. I’ve used on wolves a 17hmr (1) 204 (3) many with a 220 swift, used a 264 a fair bit. A half dozen or so with a 30-06 and about the same with a 300 wsm and one with a 300 weatherby. Lately a very accurate 7mm rem mag has tipped over a few of them.
Those damn things must be thicker than coyotes are here... Talked to an employee of the Michigan DNR today and it sounds like there is talk of another wolf hunt in the next few years. Hoping to get to try out a hand load or two when we get another chance at them. I have a really accurate 7mm mag but judging by the exit holes in mule deer it might be over gunned. I don't currently have a 243 anymore but would like to add one to the heard again before the chance to chase them again. I've taken several deer with the 223 and the 69 gr SMK. Not a long range deer round but definitely capable within a couple hundred yards.
"OAG" How bad were the exit holes with the large calibers?
Sometimes when calling I get a frontal shot. On these I’ve never had a bullet exit. On broadside shots with well constructed bullets very minimal damage, it’s the last thing I’d worry about.