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I'm trying to contact one of my old coworkers who's a Toker his whole life.....he'll have the skinny. Life in Tok is pretty western compared to America. Stop by the bears den and ask about rifle contests where the losers have to eat a cat turd....
They don't bathe in the winter....Takes a different kind of person to live long-term in Tok, it gets COOOLD there in the winter...
I do know he works hard to maintain his strips and due to pressure and shenanigans likes to try to keep them as secret as possible since they are not private.
he works hard to try and keep the specific strip where he lands secret
Which is illegal in the SOA if you are a transporter. Yet is relevant to this thread....I've seen pilots put up dummy camps and do other things to protect 'their' locations, especially in areas of higher air traffic
Yeah three sides to a story. The one side received citations. That right there shows quite a bit of character of the one side.I’ll reiterate what Will said. In my personal experiences with Zack his hospitality and professionalism has been top notch. Excellent pilot and zero shenanigans. I hate to see this type stuff happen.
Also, there’s always three sides to every story.
What? No way! If you talk to him he's out there pioneering all those strips. it's a lot of hard work making all those strips. That's why he's in such great shape....oh wait. Anyways nothing like landing on your former employer's strips and walking down the ridge to make a new strip. "pioneering" new strips where no ones been and areas that haven't been hunted! Yet there's conflict every year with him. It MUST be the other guys. Yeah thats right! The other guys!I've been flying out of Tok for many years, This individual has many stories of stolen waypoints, using strips of others etc. I know with his rep in the community of bush pilots, I will not fly with him. One year he dropped moose hunters off one ridge over from a camp so they sat there looking at each other.